Fall 2016, 2nd place prize winner

Blog Post 1

I chose the Family Learning Center for LING 1900 because I actually live in the neighborhood that the center is located in and I'm used to working with bilingual kids who come from a low income backgrounds. I never really interacted with the age group that I'm currently working with. I usually do work study for the IHaveADream program at Columbine Elementary, where I volunteer to tutor kids from the area who are in fourth and fifth grade. At FCL, I work with the middle schoolers which is definitely different than the elementary kids I work with. This past Thursday was my second time volunteering with the Family Learning Center. I was able to do orientation two weeks ago and then start my volunteering that same week. At first I was super nervous because I really had no idea what to expect. The person who did my orientation said the first day I start, I should get to know the kids so they aren't awkward with a new adult at FLC. On the first day volunteering, it was very interesting talking to the kids. Every single one of them had so much energy. Many of the kids go to Casey Middle School and when I told that, that was my old middle school, they were very interested about what I had to say about Casey. I also realized that the kids get really distracted easily and they tend to avoid their homework. But overall that day I was able to work on a puzzle with the kids who did all their homework which was really nice to end my volunteer hour that day. This week when I went back, many of the kids forgot who I was and it was more awkward since I wasn't able to go to FCL last week due to a family emergency. So I tried to break the awkwardness by talking and getting to know the students. But I realized that almost all of them had a very sassy attitude. When a worker at the center named Alisa told the kids to do their homework they would talk back and I realized none of them had indoor voices. When they talked to one another they were almost yelling at each other. But I really think that how the kids talk to each there because no one really took it bad when the person they were talking to were yelling at them. Also many of the kids avoided doing their homework, even after I kept telling them to. This time I ended my volunteer time by helping a girl with what I thought was homework but it was really a take home test. I stopped after I was told it was a trick in helping her. Then after that I went back home. Overall working at FLC has been really nice. I really like the high amount of energy, it keeps things very lively. I look forward for the next time I go. So far this program has been nice to me. I can't wait what this program has in store for me.

Blog post 2

As I volunteer with the Family Learning Center, I find that there isn't a dull moment with the kids I work with. I work with the middle school kids and each time I had volunteered, they always seem to have so much energy. They still talk really loud when they speak to one another. They literally yell across the room to get each other attentions. They also are a very sassy bunch. Many of the kids talk a lot and try to avoid their homework. But towards the end of each day, they get at least some of their homework done. They also tease each other very often and when I asked them why they make fun of each other so often, they tell me that's how their friendship is like and they aren't bothered by it. During one of my volunteer days, one of the middle schooler named Nemo said "I ain't got no homework today" , when one of the adults named Alisa asked him about his homework. She then corrected him that he can't say that because it doesn't make sense since it is a double negative. In my head I thought back to one of the linguistic lecture and I was like that's a negative concord! So I thought it was really cool that I was able to relate that back to what I learned in class. They also say whatever comes to mind and they don't really filter their words. But I think it is really entertaining because it honestly really interesting to listen to these kids and the generation they live in. Overall working with these middle schoolers have been getting better. It's not as awkward anymore since they are getting to know me more and when they see me before the program they say hi Tina which is really nice that they recognize me. I enjoy helping with their homework even though it is mostly their math and I have to google how to solve certain things. I hope as the volunteering program keeps going on I am able to know these kids better and better help them in their academics.

Blog Post 3

This semester has flew by so fast. It's crazy to think I've volunteered at the Family Learning Center for about 12 weeks or so. I have really enjoyed my time with the middle school kids who go to this program. They are all so lively and full of energy. When I first met the middle schoolers, they were slightly awkward towards me since I was new. But as time went by, they all got really comfortable with me. They would say hi to me if they saw me walking to the program. One thing that didn't change as time passed was their volume when they talk. They still yell across the room when talking to each other. I've told them to use their inside voices but they still yell . But even though they are still very loud, it keeps the atmosphere very lively and fun. They still are sassy and back talk back. Damian is one of the students I work with and he always is sassy to me and I think he acts that way to just be a jokester. Many of the students still ask me to help them with their math homework. I try my best to help them but I have realized my math skills are pretty rusty still. But it nice to work with the middle schoolers and see them be able to gain a better understanding about their assignments. For example, I was teaching one of the middle schoolers about geometry. The middle schooler told me he missed the day the teacher taught a specific unit in geometry so he needed help with understanding it so he can do his homework. I tried to make it easy to comprehend the geometry. When I asked him if he was understand the material, he told me that I was explaining it better than the teacher which gave a sense of accomplishment because I was able to help teach him the material he needed to know. Overall, I have enjoyed tutoring the kids at the Family Learning Center. It was really interesting and fun to get to know all the kids. They all have very different personality and they have made tutoring at the Family Learning Center a fun one. These kids have taught me more patient and they definitely made me laugh a lot through my experience there. I hope that I have made an impact on these kids these past 12 weeks. The Family Learning Center was a great place to volunteer at!