Published: May 9, 2017 By

sophia zervas

Sophomore Sophia Zervas

As we wrap up the semester, we’re publishing conversations with the Music Buffs who were named Outstanding ŔÖ˛Ą´«Ă˝ by the faculty for the 2016-17 academic year. Today, we talk with sophomore Sophia Zervas, who’s double majoring in piano and vocal performance.

College of Music: Where are you from originally?
Sophia Zervas: I’m a Colorado native, originally from Denver.

COM: How long have you been playing piano?
SZ: I started playing the piano when I was 5. My very dedicated mother drove me up for weekly lessons with my professor, Dr. David Korevaar, for three years in high school, and it's been a great privilege to continue my studies with him (without the weekly commute!) during my time at CU.

Additionally, I always enjoyed singing as a child. I performed in several musicals in middle school and was the youngest member of a community choir in high school. I came to Boulder as a piano performance major, but started taking private voice lessons again the second semester of my freshman year. After a semester of coachings and lessons with Dr. Mutsumi Moteki and my wonderful TA, I auditioned for the voice degree and have been living the busy, exciting life of a double performance major ever since!

COM: What has been the best experience during your first two years at the College of Music?
SZ: It's hard to pin down just one "best experience" from my first two years at CU. I can truly say that I walk out of every single lesson inspired to be a better musician. Singing (and dancing!) in “Die Fledermaus,” as well as playing the whimsical First Spirit and covering Papagena in “The Magic Flute,” have definitely been highlights. Another high point was performing in a master class for pianist Richard Goode last fall.

COM: What are your plans for the summer?
SZ: I'll be giving piano recitals in May at my church, at an assisted living communityĚýand in Boulder. I'm very excited to be spending seven weeks at the Brevard Music Festival for the remainder of the summer.

COM: Why do you love studying music?
SZ: Music offers an intellectual, emotional and kinesthetic challenge unlike any other discipline, and I love being able to express myself through this beautiful art form. While majoring in two musical emphases certainly requires discipline, they complement one another well, and I am consistently struck by the serendipitous crossover of concepts from one area to another. It hasn't been easy, but always worth it, and I can honestly say that I'm a better musician because of it.