Budget Category

Cost Estimation Tool.  Original and revised internal estimation tool saved as Excel file.  For revisions documenting submission to sponsor, upload new version of existing document.  See Proposal Files; New Version of Existing Documents for naming conventions_ESTTOOLBudgetProposal
Sponsor Formatted Proposal  Budget. Used 1) when a sponsor (like DOE or DOD) requires a multiple worksheet budget be submitted in Excel format or when an  R&R Budget form is submitted separately from a Grants.gov package; and/or 2) when a revised budget is submitted separate from other proposal documents to the sponsor using sponsor format. (Revisions should be uploaded.  See: Proposal Files: New Version of Existing Documents for naming conventions)_PROPBUDGETBudgetProposal
RBSA Budget. Used for times when a separate document needs to be included in the infoEd record for RBSAs (Rate Based Service Agreements) as a supporting budget document describing the RBSA rates used_RBSABudgetBudgetProposal