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7 ways to help your student stay motivated

After a long semester, it can be challenging for many students to stay motivated through finals. Here are a few tips you can use to help your student make it to the finish line.Ìý

1. Evaluate expectationsÌý

Every student wants to do well in college. However, it’s important to remind your student that they may only be able to do the best they can with the resources, time and energy they have. For instance, it may be unrealistic for your student to expect to ace every exam, perfect every presentation or nail every group project.Ìý

Take some time to talk with your student about expectations by asking questions like:ÌýÌý

  • Do you think your expectations are realistic?Ìý
  • Where might these expectations be coming from?Ìý
  • Are your expectations impacting other areas of your life (e.g., mental health, friendships, etc.)?Ìý
  • What are the realistic impacts if you don’t ace this test, project, class, etc.?Ìý
  • Is this something you will feel strongly about in a week, a month or a year?Ìý
  • What might good ‘enough’ look like for you?Ìý
  • How might you adjust your expectations to be more adaptable?Ìý
  • Do you know where you can go for additional support?Ìý

Asking your student these types of questions can help them reflect on what matters to them. While talking with your student, remember to listen with empathy and validate their feelings. Keep in mind that some students may just want someone to listen to them, while others may want practical help. Ask your student if they are open to advice before offering it.Ìý

2. Change the narrativeÌý

Your student may not realize it, but the way they speak to themselves can help (or hinder) their progress when working through stressful tasks. For instance, they may find themselves saying things like, “Ugh, I need to get through this assignment faster.â€Ìý

This type of self-talk can increase stress and create unnecessary pressures for students to perform in a certain way. If you notice your student speaking negatively about their progress, challenge them to change the narrative to see if they can take a gentler approach. For instance, you could encourage them to say something like, “I’ve got this, and I can make time to finish this later.â€Ìý

This shift in self-talk can help students practice self-compassion, which can be particularly beneficial to staying motivated. Remind your student that this technique isn’t foolproof. Changing the ways your student speaks to themselves might not always spur them into action, but it can help them be kinder to themselves (and others) in the process.ÌýÌý

3. Avoid ‘stress bragging’Ìý

Stress feeds off stress, especially when students are gearing up for the end of the semester. During this time, it can become commonplace for students to talk about how little they’re sleeping or how many cups of coffee they need to get through the day, among other sacrifices. This type of comparison is often referred to as ‘stress bragging’ and can negatively impact your student’s mental health (as well as those around them). In many cases, this sets the expectation that in order to be successful, your student must sacrifice a piece of their own well-being.Ìý

Instead of engaging in ‘stress bragging,’ encourage your student to prioritize self-care as part of their study plan and encourage others to do the same. Remind them to listen to their bodies and make sure their basic needs are being met by using the HALT method.Ìý

  • H: Am I hungry?Ìý
  • A: Am I angry?Ìý
  • L: Am I lonely?Ìý
  • T: Am I tired?Ìý

If your student answers yes to any of these questions, it’s time for them to address their needs. When basic needs go unmet, it can make studying even more difficult. For instance, if your student is feeling ‘hangry,’ they may start to lose focus or lash out at their study partners or friends. Similarly, if your student is tired, they may not be able to concentrate until they get rest. In fact, studies show that sleep is one of the best predictors for academic success.Ìý

No matter what your student might need, encourage them to check in with themselves throughout the day, especially during high-stress times. Ìý

4. Take breaksÌý

The end of the semester can create or magnify stress in your student’s life.Ìý Using the Pomodoro method is a great way to help your student focus on a single task at a time while providing structure and built-in breaks.Ìý

Here’s how it works:Ìý

  • Set a timer for 25 minutes to work on one task.Ìý
  • When the timer goes off, take a 5-minute break to walk around, grab a snack or chat with a friend.Ìý
  • Repeat this cycle three times (25 minutes working with 5-minute breaks).Ìý
  • After completing all four rounds, take a 30-minute break.Ìý

Remind your student that this method is just one way to help them get through assignments in a mindful way. However, they may also need to set boundaries around things like how much time they are willing to commit to a single assignment, how late they’re willing to stay up or how much responsibility they’re willing to take on for a group project.Ìý

5. Revel in the small victoriesÌý

While it may feel silly, encourage your student to spend some time basking in the success of small (or unconventional) victories and milestones. For instance, they may celebrate completing a study guide, finalizing citations or hitting the half-way mark on a presentation.ÌýÌý

Taking time to acknowledge, appreciate and celebrate their efforts can help them stay motivated to push through.ÌýÌý

Here are some suggestions you can give for how to ‘celebrate.’Ìý

  • Your student can have a nice dinner by cooking their favorite meal or ordering something special from their favorite restaurant.Ìý
  • Your student could schedule a couple of hours off to relax, recharge and spend time with friends or enjoy hobbies.Ìý
  • Your student can practice expressing gratitude for those who have helped them study or who have supported them through stressful moments (including themselves).

6. Take a deep breath and relinquish controlÌý

It’s normal for students to feel like they must perform well, especially on final exams. However, it’s important to remind your student that their value and self-worth are not defined by their grades. Let them know that being good or bad at something (like studying or test-taking) has nothing to do with who they are as a person, friend or son/daughter. They are still a kind, smart, capable person even if their grades don’t perfectly reflect those qualities.Ìý

It’s also important to remind your student that what they’re feeling right now isn’t the way they’ll feel forever. If your student is hyper-focused on their current circumstances, encourage them to imagine how they may feel in a week, a month or a year from now. More likely than not, as time passes, their feelings or situation will feel less dire.Ìý

Finally, encourage your student to relinquish control over the outcome. Once they’ve submitted an assignment, that’s it. Remind them that the outcome is in their instructor’s hands. If your student tends to ruminate over what might have gone wrong or things they may not have finished, remind them that it's okay to take a deep breath and appreciate that it’s over.Ìý

Ìý7. Ask for helpÌý

Asking for help can be difficult, even if your student knows they may need it. However, it’s important to remind your student that their friends, family, peers and professors all want them to succeed.ÌýÌý

More importantly, your student doesn’t have to go it alone. Instead, encourage them to reach out to resources on campus for support. They can also reach out to their instructors for help or to clarify project expectations.Ìý

Campus resourcesÌý

Academic resources

Tutoring services
CU Boulder offers a wide variety of tutoring services. Some are specific to classes, departments or groups of students, while others are available campus-wide. Many of these services are free to use. If your student isn’t sure where to begin, encourage them to check their syllabus and ask their instructor for help and referrals.

Writing Center
The Writing Center provides free one-to-one tutoring sessions with professionally trained writing consultants, individualized guidance and feedback, and time-saving skills for writing and presentation projects. The Writing Center is free to all CU Boulder undergrad and graduate students.

Grade Replacement Program
This program allows degree-seeking undergraduate and graduate students to retake a course in which they earned a low grade to improve their cumulative GPA.

Disability Services
Disability Services provides students with disabilities reasonable academic accommodations, support and other services. They also offer free workshops that are open to all students. If your student needs help navigating test accommodations, they can reach out to Disability Services.

Wellness resources

Let’s Talk
Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) provides free drop-in consultations through Let’s Talk. Counselors are available in person at multiple campus locations to help provide insight, solutions and information about additional resources.

Peer Wellness Coaching is a free service that can help your student set and achieve their goals. Peer wellness coaches are familiar with various topics, including stress, time management, study habits, academics, self-care, sleep and more.

AcademicLiveCare allows students to access free, unlimited health services online.ÌýPlease note: AcademicLiveCare does not provide crisis or emergency care.Ìý

Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) provides free group workshops to help students learn how to manage anxiety, develop coping skills, take a break and make meaningful changes in their lives.

Mental health crises
If your student is experiencing a possible mental health crisis or needs urgent, same-day support, Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) is here to support them 24/7. Encourage your student to call 303-492-2277. Calling ahead allows providers to triage their concerns so they can address them more quickly and effectively.Ìý

Student Support and Case Management
SSCM assists students who may be impacted by challenging situations by helping them connect with campus partners, community resources and other support systems. If you’re concerned about your student, you canÌýÌý

Figueroa Wellness Suite
The Wellness Suite is a great place to rest and reset. Whether your student needs a nap, wants to pick up free health and wellness supplies, or if they just want to find a quiet place to study, the Wellness Suite provides a relaxing environment for students.

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