Matthias Steup

  • Professor


Matthias Steup (Ph.D. Brown, 1985) joined the Philosophy Department in July 2016. Previously, he was Department Head at Purdue University (2008-2016). He also taught at Grinnell College, the University of Wyoming, and St. Cloud State University in Minnesota. He works primarily in epistemology, particular on skepticism, perceptual justification, and the question of whether we have control over our beliefs. For more information see Professor Steup's CV.

selected papers

  • “Defeaters, Higher-Order Evidence, and Epistemic Dilemmas.” In Epistemic Dilemmas. New Arguments, New Angles. Kevin McCain, Scott Stapleford, and Matthias Steup (eds). New York: Routledge, 2022: 86-108.
  • “Epistemic Duty, Justified Belief, and Voluntary Control.” In Kevin McCain and Scott Stapleford (eds), Epistemic Duties: New Arguments, New Angles, Routledge 2021: 7-28.
  • “Easy Knowledge, Circularity, and the Puzzle of Reliability Knowledge,” Episteme 16 (2019): 453-73.
  • “Benign Infinity.” In Brandon Fitelson, Rodrigo Borges, and Cherie Braden (eds.), Themes from Klein. Synthese Library Vol. 404, Springer 2019: 235-57.
  • “Is Evidential Fit Grounded in Explanatory Relations?” In Kevin McCain (ed.), Believing in Accordance with the Evidence  - New Essays on Evidentialism, Synthese Library Vol. 398, Springer 2018: 359-373.
  • "Destructive Defeat and Justificational Force: The Dialectic of Dogmatism, Conservatism, and Meta-Evidentialism," Synthese 197 (2018): 2907-2933.
  • “Believing Intentionally,” Synthese 194 (2017): 2673-2694.
