CA Team 2018

First-Year CA Team Fall 2018


Academic Team - Class Advisors

First-Year, Multi-Level, Complex Leadership, and Global Class Advisors (CAs) have varying roles, but every CA will work directly with the professor to shape and implement curriculum, engage with students/peers, and contribute to the larger student staff conversations. The most significant role of the CA is to create relationships - with students, other CAs, and the instructors. Being a CA is about listening to each and every student, putting students’ needs over yours, collaborating with other CAs, providing feedback and grading assignments, and most of all, ensuring that your students and you are having fun and learning from each other! All CAs, regardless of course assignment will have opportunities to work with Dr. Shepherd Macklin as the Academic Director and the student staff Assistant Academic Director for feedback, coaching, teaching observations, and general professional development.



First-Year CAs

First Year CAs will attend Monday and Wednesday lectures, lead recitations of about 7-9 students, plan lesson plans for Thursday recitations, provide feedback on the course, have one-on-ones, provide feedback on paper rough drafts, grade weekly reflections, and class presentations, take attendance and participation in lecture, participate in weekly meetings with the other First-Year CAs and Dr. Shepherd Macklin, prepare and deliver at least one guest lecture per semester, and create a balance between being a role model/teacher and a friend for the first years.

($3500/year scholarship; report to Dr. Shepherd Macklin)


Fall Multi-Level Issues in Leadership CAs

Candidates for this position must be strong writers interested in learning how to build strong teams (recitation sections) of individuals, each of whom is working independently and yet is also working as a team to provide individual feedback.Ìý ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ will be trained to provide supplemental instruction in the field of writing. Multi CAs will attend lecture twice a week and lead a recitation section once a week with approximately 8-10 students. You will work extensively with the professor to learn about the lens' that will focus each week's writing assignment as well as how to provide constructive feedback in a constant iterative process throughout the semester.

($1500/semester scholarship; report to Dr. Shepherd Macklin)


Complex Challenges in Leadership CAs (ENLP 3100)

ENLP CAs work with students through a semester-long research project on a topic of the students choosing. CA responsibilities include helping students discover their process of inquiry within the structure of the course. ENLP CAs work closely with Dr. Thieman Dino to make the course as successful as possible. CAs meet with Dr. Thieman Dino weekly to prepare for lectures and the course. ENLP CAs are available to students for help in selecting topics, finding research, and vetting ideas. A successful ENLP CA has strong writing and research skills and gives constructive feedback. You will also serve as a role model and share your multi-experience with the students.

($1500/semester scholarship; report to Dr. Angela Thieman Dino)


Fall Global Issues in Leadership CAs

Global Issues in Leadership CAs report directly to the course professor and have the responsibility for, working with the professor to draft and implement a course syllabus, coordinating speakers, grading participation in class, and needed grading outside of class time. CAs must attend every scheduled lecture (3 hours/week) and act as advisors for students in the course, assisting with class activities, assignment mentoring, and acting as a liaison between the professor and the students. Global CAs will meet at least once a week with the professor and with students on an individual basis periodically, as needed.

($1250/semester scholarship; reports to Dr. Coker)


Spring Global Inquiry for the 21st Century CAs

The Spring Global CA will work closely with Dr. Shepherd Macklin, teach about key issues surrounding the 2015 published United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, provide feedback on the course, provide feedback on presentation rough drafts, grade class presentations, take attendance and participation in class, participate in class discussions and offer feedback with Dr. Shepherd Macklin, and create a balance between being a role model/teacher and a friend for your peers.

($1250/semester scholarship)

Candidates for all PLC academic positions must:

  • Demonstrate an appreciation and understanding for the importance of all leadership approaches and theories covered in PRLC courses and learned outside of the PLC classroom
  • Possess strong analytical and critical thinking skills
  • Use their critical thinking skills in support of their mentoring role in assisting students
  • Be able to facilitate students to work well with individuals from different cultural contexts and backgrounds
  • Be supportive and effective in all efforts towards students

Leadership Skill Development for the CA will focus on:

  • Providing each CA with the opportunity to critically examine one's strengths and weaknesses in motivating others to accomplish a defined goal
  • Facilitating team bonding to maximize team performance
  • Estimating and understanding the performance and efficacy of members within a working group and be able to use that assessment to inform peer/student feedback
  • Understanding own performance and efficacy within a working group and be able to use that knowlede to positively influence peers'/others' behavior and work
  • Giving and receiving feedback constructively and professionally

Additionally, CAs will also have the opportunity to:

  • Understand multiple leadership theories and apply them to enhance leadership effectiveness
  • Appreciate the importance of moral courage and ethical leadership
  • Sharpen your ability to think strategically about leadership challenges
  • Build analytic and critical thinking skills to support decision-making
  • Adapt your leadership practices to differences among individuals, cultures and situations