Adriana Molina Garzón

Dissertation: The Role of NGOs in Forest Governance: Unintended Consequences of REDD+ Committee: Krister Andersson (Chair), Carew Boulding, Andy Baker, Peter Newton (Environmental Studies), María Alejandra Vélez (Universidad de los Andes) Major Fields: Public Policy, Methods Ph.D. 2022 Assistant Professor at the Paul H. O'Neill School of Public and Environmental...

Kimberlee Chang

Dissertation: “They started to listen to us”: Addressing cultural change when introducing gender quotas in rural communities Committee: Krister Andersson (Chair), Carew Boulding, Andrew Philips, Robert Wyrod (Sociology), Jennifer Zavaleta Cheek (South Dakota State University) Major Fields: Public Policy, Methods Ph.D. 2022 Data Analytics Manager at Premise

Erkan Güneş

Dissertation: Policy Agendas and Financial Markets: An Aggregate Level Analysis of Stock Market Reactions to Issue Attention Dynamics Committee: Sarah Wilson Sokhey (Chair), Joseph Jupille, Andy Baker, Joshua Strayhorn, Asaf Bernstein (Business Administration) Major Fields: Comparative Politics, Public Policy, Methods Ph.D. 2021

Christina Boyes

Dissertation: Extractability: Human capital, technical capacity, and the strategic use of natural resources in intrastate conflict Committee: Jaroslav Tir (Chair), Megan Shannon, Aysegul Aydin, Srinivas C. Parinandi, Leilani Arthurs (Geology) Major Fields: International Politics, Public Policy, Comparative Politics Ph.D. 2021 Assistant Professor in the Division of International Studies at CIDE...

Josalyn (Williams) Lamoureux

Dissertation: The Different Political Worlds of Women and Men Committee: Anand Sokhey (Chair), John Griffin, Tamar Malloy, Jennifer Wolak, Celeste Montoya (Women and Gender Studies) Major Fields: American Politics, Public Policy, Women’s Studies Ph.D. 2020

Roger Emmelhainz

Dissertation: Science in an Intergenerational Democracy Committee: Steven Vanderheiden (Chair), Michaele Ferguson, Krister Andersson, Benjamin Hale (Environmental Studies), Elisabeth Ellis, University of Otago Major Fields: Political Theory, Public Policy, Methods Ph.D. 2020 Manager of Data Analytics - Global Security Central Programs, Uber

Erin Huebert

Dissertation: Judicial Reform Amid Violence in Latin America Committee: David S. Brown (Chair), Vanessa Baird, Carew Boulding, Andy Baker, and Hilary Potter (Ethnic Studies) Major Fields: Public Policy Ph.D. 2017 Founder and Principal Researcher, Huebert Impact Research

Nathan Cook

Dissertation : When Do Disadvantaged Groups Participate in the Decentralized Governance of Natural Resources and Public Services? Evidence from India, Nepal, and the Global South Committee: Krister Andersson (Chair), Ken Bickers, Carew Boulding, Peter Newton (Environmental Studies Program), and Alex Pfaff (Professor in the Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke...

Jami Nelson-Nunez

Dissertation: Citizens, Government, and NGOs: Is Three a Crowd? Committee: Carew Boulding (Chair), David S. Brown, Krister Andersson, Andy Baker, and Karl Linden Major Fields: Comparative Politics, Public Policy, Methods Ph.D. 2015 Department Chair, Associate Professor, The University of New Mexico

Demarée Michelau

Dissertation: The Role of Interstate Policy Organizations in State Higher Education Policy Processes: Perceptions of Policymakers and Policy Shapers Committee: Susan Clarke (Chair), Krister Andersson, J. Samuel Fitch Major Fields: Public Policy Ph.D. 2011 President, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)
