SMILE! You're On Camera - Olivia Lieberman

Print Media
1 coffee table book (71 Pages)

SMILE! You're On Camera is a coffee table book mimicking the expression used to tell people that they are being watched. Just like surveillance cameras, photography is the art of seeing and being seen. This photo collection explores the theme of seeing/ being seen, and how I represent myself in photos where I physically don't exist.

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SMILE! You're On Camera is a coffee table book mimicking the expression used to tell people that they are being watched. Just like surveillance cameras, photography is the art of seeing and being seen. As the photographer, you're capturing subjects other than yourself. However, you project your perspective and style into the photos you capture. By pointing the camera outwards, you are truly facing it inwards. This photo collection explores the theme of seeing/ being seen, and how I represent myself in photos where I physically don't exist.

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