Spectrum - Owen Arnold (Headspace)

Music Album
11 tracks, 49 mins (minimix is 22:44)

Spectrum takes you on a journey through space and time, morphing between psychedelic ambience that sends you into a state of sublime, and dark bass that pulls you out with a surge of adrenaline.

Spectrum (full album)

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Headspace’s debut LP, Spectrum, steps into the future of electronic music, but offers tastes of the past in every track with flavors of drum and bass, dubstep, garage, grime, hip-hop, and ambient downtempo. Spectrum was written using both digital software and analog equipment, including analog synthesizers, guitars, an electric piano, and recordings of natural sounds. The secret ingredient of this LP is my modular synthesizer, custom built for ambient soundscapes and other-worldly sound design, featured in every single track. Spectrum will shred PA-systems at festivals and clubs, but don't let that keep you from listening in the car or while relaxing, it was written with both in mind. It follows my philosophy of writing music that I want to listen to using tones and styles that inspire me.

Spectrum (mini-mix)