ATU 425C - Beauty and the Beast


One of the most popular fairy tales today, "Beauty and the Beast" comes from folkloric traditions, with literary origins in 1740 by Madame Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve in as a novella. In 1757, Madame Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont adapted and rewrote the story into the version we most easily recognize today. ATU 425C is a subgroup of stories known as "Animal as Bridegroom," which has origins that can be traced back to the myth of "Cupid and Psyche" in ancient Greece. Characteristic of this ATU are:

  • A modest request by Beauty to her father (oftentimes asking for a rose)
  • Beauty stays too long at home after granted permission by the Beast to visit for a shorter time
  • Beauty disenchants the beast with a kiss


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