Publications TOC Image

Can lidars assess wind plant blockage in simple terrain? A WRF-LES study

Nov. 8, 2022

J. Renew. Sust. Energy, 2022, 14, 063303

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Effect of applied potential on metal surfaces: Surface energy, Wulff shape and charge distribution

Nov. 2, 2022

Applied Surface Science, 2022, 610, 155147

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The sensitivity of the fitch wind farm parameterization to a three-dimensional planetary boundary layer scheme

Oct. 21, 2022

Wind Energ. Sci., 2022, 7, 2085-2098

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Density functional description of spin, lattice, and spin-lattice dynamics in antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases at finite temperatures

Oct. 10, 2022

Phys. Rev. B., 2022, 106, 134406

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Design space exploration and decision-making for a segmented ultralight morphing 50-MW wind turbine

Sept. 27, 2022

Wind Energy, 2022, 25, 2016-2035

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Bridging the gap between density functional theory and quantum materials

Sept. 26, 2022

Nature Computational Science, 2022, 2, 529-532

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Criticality of Inverter Controller Order in Power System Dynamic Studies – Case Study: Maui Island

Sept. 18, 2022


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Density functional thermodynamic description of spin, phonon and displacement degrees of freedom in antiferromagnetic-to-paramagnetic phase transition in YNiO3

Aug. 20, 2022

Materials Today Physics, 2022, 27, 100805

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How the Bioinspired Fe2Mo6S8 Chevrel Breaks Electrocatalytic Nitrogen Reduction Scaling Relations

July 11, 2022

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, 144, 28, 12800-12806

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Intrinsic local symmetry breaking in nominally cubic paraelectric BaTiO3

June 10, 2022

Phys. Rev. B., 2022, 105, 224108
