Publication TOC Graphic

Direct Measurement of Electrochemical Selectivity Gradients over a 25 cm2 Copper Gas Diffusion Electrode

Aug. 21, 2023

ACS ENERGY LETTERS, 2023, 8, 3811–3819

Publication TOC Graphic

Barriers and opportunities for the deployment of CO2 electrolysis in net-zero emissions energy systems

June 13, 2023

JOULE, 2023, 7, 6, 1111-1133

Publication TOC Graphic

Mass Transport Modifies the Interfacial Electrolyte to Influence Electrochemical Nitrate Reduction

May 5, 2023


Publication TOC Graphic

Decarbonization of the chemical industry through electrification: Barriers and opportunities

Jan. 18, 2023

JOULE, 2023, 7, 1, 23-41

Publications TOC Image

In Situ Study of Hydrogen Permeable Electrodes for Electrolytic Ammonia Synthesis Using Near Ambient Pressure XPS

Oct. 26, 2022

ACS Catal., 2022, 12, 21, 13781-13791

Summary banner that shows all of the Fellows funded for research and a map that shows the locations of all of the collaborators

RASEI Secures Funding to Pursue Collaborative Team Science Programs to Address Climate Change Challenges

Aug. 27, 2022

Thirteen members of RASEI secured funding from the Department of Energy to participate in inter-disciplinary team science to address a range of challenges associated with combating climate change.

Publication TOC Graphic

Characterizing CO2 Reduction Catalysts on Gas Diffusion Electrodes: Comparing Activity, Selectivity, and Stability of Transition Metal Catalysts

May 3, 2022

ACS Appl. Energy Mat., 2022, 5, 5, 5983-5994

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Modeling the Local Environment within Porous Electrode during Electrochemical Reduction of Bicarbonate

April 22, 2022

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2022, 61, 29, 10461-10473

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Polymer Modification of Surface Electronic Properties of Electrocatalysts

April 4, 2022

ACS Energy Lett., 2022, 7, 5, 1586-1593

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An economic analysis of the role of materials, system engineering, and performance in electrochemical carbon dioxide conversion to formate

April 1, 2022

J. Cleaner Prod., 2022, 351, 131564
