Flow Cytometry Shared Core​

Facility summary

Ìýtheresa.nahreini@colorado.edu,Ìý xuedong.liu@colorado.eduÌý
Website under development

  • Location: JSCBB C355
  • Technology focus:ÌýFlow cytometry​
  • Equipment summary: BDÌýFACSAriaÌýFusion Cell Sorter, BDÌýFACSCelestaÌýFlow Analyzer, BDÌýAccuriÌýC6 PlusÌýwith sampler
  • Available software:ÌýFlowJo
  • Open to: CU Boulder, outside users whenÌýavailable

The Flow Cytometry Shared Core is a user-friendly facility serving CU Boulder and theÌýbroader scientific community. We offerÌýresearchers twoÌýmulticolor analyzers withÌýcomplementary lasers and the availability of aÌýmulti-sampler for automation of various platesÌýand racks of tubes. Our cell sorter is equippedÌýwith 5 lasers and combines superiorÌýmulticolor sensitivity within the protection ofÌýa biosafety cabinet.Ìý We provide instrumentÌýtraining on our 2 analyzer, assistance withÌýfluorophore selection to best optimizeÌýexperimental design and reproducibility andÌýhelp with data analysis. We look forward toÌýhelping you with your research needs.​

Theresa Nahreini

Theresa Nahreini​


Xuedong Liu, Ph.D.

Xuedong Liu, PhD