Light Microscopy Core Facility

Facility summary


  • Location:Porter Biosciences B047, 049, 051
  • Technology focus: Optical microscopy
  • Microscopeequipment summary: Widefield, Confocal (laser scanning and spinning​disk), Super-Resolution (structured illumination),Multiphoton Intravital Imaging, Color Histology, Live andfixed samples, Low-Medium throughput Screening, Time-lapse, Montaging, FRET, TIRF, FRAP, SHG, help with CLEM and more
  • Analytical tools summary:ImageJ/Fiji,MatLab,Imaris,CellSens, NIS-Elements,SlideBook,CellProfiler, ICY​
  • Open to: CU Boulder, external academia, commercial


The Light Microscopy Core Facility (LMCF), founded in 2011, is housed in theDepartment of Molecular, Cellular, & DevelopmentalBiology located in Porter Biosciences. We are openaccess and serve CU Boulder, academiaand thebiotech industry. We house 8 different imagingsystems that allow researchers to observe wide-ranging samples from the microscopic to macroscopicscale, including ⏤ cells, tissues, organoids, embryos,and materials.

Ourvisionis to advance the academicand scientific mission of the university and to educateusers in microscopy and image analysis.We feel it iscritical to provide advice on experimental design andtrouble shooting, and to help develop novelapproaches and data analysis methods. We will workwith you!Google: “CU LMCF”​

James Orth

James D. Orth, PhD.
