
Jennifer Tostlebe Published an Article with David Pyrooz

Aug. 26, 2022

Jennifer Tostlebe published an article (w/ David Pyrooz), “Procedural justice, legal orientations, and gang membership: Testing an alternative explanation to understand the gang-misconduct link,” in Criminology , the flagship journal of the American Society of Criminology.


Grad student, Jenn Tostlebe's book review published

Oct. 19, 2021

Jenn Tostlebe's book review of Benjamin Steiner and John Wooldredge's Understanding and reducing prison violence: An integrated social control-opportunity perspective has been published in Rutgers' Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Book Reviews .


Jenn Tostlebe and David Pyrooz have a new article out in Health & Justice

Sept. 2, 2021

Jenn Tostlebe and David Pyrooz (along with Ryan Labrecque and Bert Useem ) have a new article out in Health & Justice, titled: "Reforming solitary confinement: The development, implementation, and processes of a restrictive housing step down reentry program in Oregon." The article will appear in the special issue on...


The Racial/Ethnic Inequalities Research Awards - Summer 2021

April 23, 2021

The Racial/Ethnic Inequalities Research Awards support graduate students of color as well as graduate student research on race/ethnicity. For summer 2021, we are able to fund seven exciting research projects. The award winners and their project titles are: Jose Sanchez and Jen Tostlebe : "Where colors collide: Does race moderate...


David Pyrooz, Kendra Clark, and Jennifer Tostlebe published a paper in Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency

Aug. 31, 2020

David Pyrooz, Kendra Clark, and Jennifer Tostlebe published a paper in Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency , titled “Gang affiliation and prisoner reentry: Discrete-time variation in recidivism by current, former, and non-gang status” (coauthored with Scott Decker and Erin Orrick).