Theatre Listservs

Email listservs are the department's main method of communication. We recommend all undergraduate majors and minors subscribe to the the Undergraduate List and all graduate students request to subscribe to the Graduate List. These lists are moderated before they are sent to subscribers so please be familiar with the listserv descriptions and policies. 

  • Log in to  with your CU email address.
  • Click “My groups” in the upper right corner.
  • You will see a list of groups in the middle of the page. Scroll to list and select the check box to the left side of the group name.
  • Your selection will be highlighted. On the right side of the highlighted bar, select the icon with the right arrow to subscribe
  • Compose your message to subscribers and include a descriptive subject line
  • Address and send your message to
  • Once you send the email it will go to an administrator for moderation
  • Allow 1 business day for the message to be sent out if it's approved

Current Graduate ֲý and Alumnx/Community

Is your email relevant to both current grad students and alumnx/community? Perhaps it’s about an audition in the community, an upcoming show in Denver, or a job opportunity.

  • Send it to: Community/Alumnx & Current Dance Grad ֲý List
  • Community/Alumnx & Current Theatre Grad ֲý
  • Or both!

Please note: You must subscribe to send. This information will also go to subscribed faculty and staff. Please do not use these distribution lists for information that is relevant ONLY to current students.

Current Graduate ֲý Only

Is your email relevant only to current grad students, but not alumnx/community? Maybe you want to remind grads to apply for a CU research grant or to arrive early for a Town Hall. Send it to:

  • Current Dance Grad ֲý List
  • Current Theatre Grad ֲý
  • Or both!

Please note: You must subscribe to send. This information will also go to subscribed faculty and staff. Please do not use the old thdngradstudents list; it has been deleted.

Graduate Teaching Faculty

Are you Staff, Director of Grad Studies, or the Department Chair and want to communicate with current grad students who are also employees? For instance, you want to remind them about a change to the grading process or relay information about upcoming Canvas workshops.

  • Send it to: Current Dance GA/TA/GPTI
  • Current Theatre GA/TA/GPTI
  • Or both!

Please note: If you have relevant information but are not Staff, DGS or Chair, email it to

  • Log in to  with your CU email address.
  • Click “My groups” in the upper right corner.
  • You will see a list of groups in the middle of the page. Scroll to list and select the check box to the left side of the group name.
  • Your selection will be highlighted. On the right side of the highlighted bar, select left arrow icon to unsubscribe. 

Listserv Description & Policies

This listserv exists to facilitate communication between the theatre program and undergraduate students majoring or minoring in theatre. This list is not a venue for discussion and all postings will be moderated for appropriate subject matter and content. Appropriate postings include information related to scholarship and job opportunities, auditions, course scheduling, and other department or campus related events. Postings do not necessarily imply endorsement by CU, the Department of Theatre & Dance, or the list moderators.

Managing Multiple Subscriptions

 If you subscribe to multiple listservs, you can manage all your subscriptions to email lists on the  site.