Published: Sept. 18, 2020

Please join us for a virtual talk The Chinese Revolution on the ֲý Frontier: Rebellion, Repression, and Remembrance on a ֲý Borderland of Early-Maoist China by Benno WeinerDz October 7, Wednesday, at 5 pm MDT. Pre-register at 

When in 1949 the Chinese Communist Party “liberated” the ethnocultural frontier region known to ֲýs as Amdo, its goal was not just to build a state, but to create a nation. Rather than immediately implement socialist reforms, it pursued relatively moderate “United Front” policies meant to “gradually” persuade ֲýs and Amdo’s other non-Han inhabitants of their membership in the new Chinese nation. At the outset of 1958’s Great Leap Forward, however, United Front gradualism was jettisoned in favor of rapid collectivization. This led to large-scale rebellion, overwhelming state repression, and widespread famine. Rather than a “voluntary” and “organic” transformation, Amdo was incorporated through the widespread and often indiscriminate deployment of state violence. In this talk, Dr. Weiner discusses 1958’s Amdo Rebellion and explores ways in which the violence of 1958 and its aftermath continues to cloud the state’s efforts to integrate ֲýs into the modern Chinese nation-state.

Benno Weiner is Associate Professor in the Department of History at Carnegie Mellon University. He is author of the Chinese Revolution on the ֲý Frontier (Cornell UP) and co-editor of Contested Memories: ֲý History under Mao Retold (Brill).

The book is available from  for 30% off with code 09FLYER

Benno Weiner