Published: Sept. 1, 2016

Gain valuable experience working as a paid intern with the Cognitive Development Center and the Children's Museum of Denver. The deadline to apply is Friday Sept. 9.

Responsibilities include:

  • Going once/week to the Children's Museum of Denver for 4 hours
  • Facilitating an exhibit about child development research and interacting with children and parents
  • Working with a team of research assistants
  • Mutual professional development opportunities with museum staff

Preferred qualifications include:

  • Experience working with children and families
  • Coursework in child development
  • Availability on Fridays during fall 2016
  • Interest in continuing spring 2017

To apply, email with:

  • Cover letter indicating your interests and availability
  • Resume
  • Unofficial transcript

Questions? Contact us at or 303-492-6389.

Lab photo of two women.