Published: Sept. 28, 2016

The CU Boulder campus alcohol agent will host several "TIPS" server classes and "Alcohol Service on CampusPolicy" classes throughout the school year, to ensurecompliancewhen serving alcohol atevents on campus.To learn more about these classes and the campusalcohol policy, visit . Toattend a class, please contactcampusalcoholagent@colorado.eduto register.If the class scheduledoes not work for your department, please contactcampusalcoholagent@colorado.eduto make other arrangements.

.29–UMC 425

TIPS server class:8:30a.m.to12:30p.m.

Alcohol Service on Campus Policy class: 2 to4p.m.

.26UMC 425

TIPS server class: 8:30a.m. to12:30p.m.

Alcohol Service on Campus Policy class: 2 to4p.m.

DZ.29UMC 247

TIPS server class: 8:30a.m.to12:30p.m.

Alcohol Service on Campus Policy class: 2 to4p.m.

.25UMC 425

TIPS server 12:30p.m.

Alcohol Service on Campus Policy class: 2 to4p.m.

March 2–UMC 425

TIPS server class: 8:30a.m.to12:30p.m.

Alcohol Service on Campus Policy class: 2 to4p.m.

April 20– UMC 425

TIPS server class: 8:30a.m.to12:30p.m.

Alcohol Service on Campus Policy class: 2 to4p.m.