Published: Feb. 13, 2017
Buffalo statue

Hello ladies and fellows!Take advantage of the warm weather to get out and have some fun! This week's events include a poetry slam audition, a workshop on dealing with procrastination, an open mic night and more. I am Sarah Ellsworth: IPHY major, Boulder native, and event connoisseur, writing to you from the comfort of beautiful CU-Boulder on all of your weekly opportunities for community involvement, educational whatnot and supreme fun. As always, enjoy your week!

Tuesday, Feb.14

Free Texas Hold'em poker tournament.If you’ve got the requisite poker skills then I challenge you to come show them off at The Connection’s free tourneyat 6 p.m. Prizes will be won by the best of the best and everyone can sign up to play, regardless of Texas hold-em poker experience. Be sure to bring your a-game!

Procrastination busters workshop.At this point in the semester, you should have you ducks in a row, but if you’re still struggling with that challenge, then you may want to consider this free workshop by the Student Academic Success Centerin Fleming 190 from 4 to 5 p.m. Here you will learn some practical skills for avoiding and dealing with procrastinating from some skilled advisors. Be sure to check it out if you want to boost your academics.

CU Symphony Orchestra concert.If you’re looking for some old school romance tonight, then bring your date to this incredible performance by the CU Symphony Orchestra, a fantastically skilled bunch! Macky hosts from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.and this event is free and open to all so wear your classy clothes and get there a few minutes early to get a seat!

Wednesday, Feb.15

Open Mic Night.Operating with the slogan “share your culture, share your story,” Open Mic Night is a place to perform your original music, poetry, writingor any kind of art. This event will take place in UMC 457 from 4:30 to 6 p.m.and is free and open to all, whether you want to perform or watch and listen. There will be free food as well, so don’t miss out!

Mile High Jazz Festival.The Mile High Jazz Festival is Colorado’s annual musical competition and meet up of jazz bands from all over the state. This is a chance to hear some fantastic musicianship and watch some very talented groups for free from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Macky Auditorium. You’ll hear a huge range of jazz music to soothe you midweek!

Thursday, Feb.16

Your Ideal CU Meeting.Whether you have an idea for how to make the CU Boulder campus more sustainable or you are simply passionate about being involved in the process, then swing by the Ice Overlook Room in the Rec Centerfrom 7 to 8:30 p.m. There will be plenty of opportunity to make your voice heard with the powers that be as well as free food!

Listen. Bowl. Watch. Party.From 7 to 10:30 p.m.The Connection will be hosting fourevents in one: new music performed by Low Hanging Fruit, a CU/Oregon basketball watch party, bowlingand karaoke. If any or all of this appeals to you, then grab a friend and come on by for what’s sure to be a huge event.

Friday, Feb.17

Doctor StrangeԾԲ.Join the Program Council for another opportunity to catch an exciting new film for free in Chem 140, a venue far superior to a movie theater for movie watching. Doctor Strange, featuring the talented Benedict Cumberbatch, has gotten rave reviews and starts at 8 p.m.Free popcorn will be provided.

Saturday, Feb.18

Club 156 Show: Public Safety with Sun Time Hannah and Barking at Dogs.Catch three incredible Boulder bands in the UMC’s Club 156 tonight from 7 to 11 p.m. Featuring a variety of rock, bluesand folk sounds, this original music is something wonderful to behold. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door.

Poetry Slam auditions.Be sure to complete your audition sign up form (found online) to audition for theannual Poetry Slam, presented by the Center for Student Involvement. Rules can be found online, along with the application. This is a great chance to present some original work, share your voice with your peersand have a great time! Be sure to submit your form by Sunday.