Published: March 13, 2019

The people who make up your social circle can be extremely helpful in your academic success. When you’re experiencing stress or struggling with your goals, your circle can provide comfort, feedback or ideas for overcoming obstacles. In turn, it can be rewarding to return the favor and be someone others can lean on during hard times.

Dean of ֲý Sandy Jones

Dean of ֲý Sandy Jones

However, forming these relationships and establishing your social circle can take time. If you feel like you haven’t met “your people”yet, don’t worry—you aren’t alone and it’s not too late to build your social network.

Later into my college experience, there was a point when I realized I didn’t have the close friendships or support network I once had. I decided to join a student organization that was very active, which provided a variety of pathways for me to more aware of campus opportunities, develop leadership skillsand, over time, build close friendships that I still enjoy today.

It may feel like the year is almost over, but it’s never too late to get involved and meet others. There are always opportunities to ,volunteer, find your fit at The Rec, get involved in your residence hall or find a part-time job on campus. As a quick “plug” for on-campus employment, my experiences in my on-campus work-study job inspired me to start a career in higher education administration, which was one of the best decisions I have made in my adult life.

If you are looking to break the mold from your usual weekend activities, I encourage you to check out the free eventshappening this weekend for both undergrad and graduate students, including , game night, free movie screenings at Century Theaters and a free Nuggets game in Denver. I encourage you to take advantage of these awesome events and get to know your fellow Buffs!

St. Patrick’s Day weekend is also approaching—if you plan to celebrate outside of a CU-sponsored event, please be responsible, mindful and respectful. Our top priority at CU Boulder is your safety and the safety of your fellow Buffs. You could find yourself in a situation you’re not sure how to handle, especially if you or someone else isimpaired due to alcohol or substance misuse. If you’re concerned about the health and safety of a fellow Buff, calling for help is always the right thing to do.

Sandy Jones
Dean of ֲý