Published: July 25, 2019

Buff Portal logoBuff Portal to launch to students in the fall. Are you ready?

The Unified Student Experience project is nearing the launch of the new Buff Portal for students, which will replace the student tab in MyCUInfo. Buff Portal, as part of the Unified Student Experience (USE) project, is a campus-wide effort to transform today’s fragmented digital and physical student support landscape to create a seamless online experience for students.

How this may affect you

The initial focus is on changing content. There are approximately 12,000 references to MyCUInfo on websites and more in print materials. Before Buff Portal’s official launch, content owners across campus will need to update their web pages, online resources and print materials that reference the MyCUInfo student tab.

Available to you:

  • Toolkit for owners of campus content (includes language updates, a style guide and more)
  • to receive hands-on help making updates or to ask questions
  • Buff Portal demos: If you and your team would like to see a demonstration of Buff Portal, whether a general overview or a more specific “how does this affect me” presentation, please let us know. The Buff Portal team is available to provide a walkthrough of the new portal and answer your questions.