Italian flag flies in clear blue sky

Italian alumna, lifelong learner experiences la dolce vita

Dec. 29, 2016

While Joyce Earickson's career focus has varied, her goals have remained constant: teaching, helping others and leading a meaningful life. "I think I’ve had to come to terms with wondering if everybody might have a wandering life like I’ve had . . . where they start out in something and then it morphs into something else and leads here and there."

Michael Huseby stands in front of Barnes & Noble Education storefront

Book smarts: CU alum on the importance of education

Dec. 27, 2016

For CU alumnus Michael P. Huseby, it’s always about education. "I came to Barnes & Noble because of the opportunity to improve our country’s higher education system . . . I wanted to do something that I could really feel good about in terms of making a contribution."

Portrait of Ulyana Horodyskyj in her NASA uniform

Adventurous alum serves as test subject for 30-day NASA isolation project

Dec. 8, 2016

Alumna Ulyana Horodyskyj just spent 30 days in a 636-square-foot pod with three strangers and no internet access as part of NASA's Human Exploration Research Analog (HERA) project. Now she's one of 120 finalists, out of 18,300 applicants, under consideration for the real Astronaut Candidate Program.

Photo of Grand Canyon National Park

Guiding Grand Canyon

Dec. 2, 2016

At the end of August, Chris Lehnertz (EPOBio’85) became the 19th superintendent of Grand Canyon National Park, one of the most famous and visited in the National Park system. The first woman to oversee Grand Canyon since it was first set aside as public space more than 100 years ago, Lehnertz is at home in America’s magnificent public spaces.

Allan Lim

CU alum Allen Lim and the value of learning how to learn

Nov. 18, 2016

When Allen Lim applied to CU, he did not get in--at first. In the video, Lim, founder of one of America's fastest growing food and beverage companies Skratch Labs, reflects on the value of learning how to learn while pursuing his master's and PhD at CU.

Joey Arora in his Air Force uniform

Sky's the limit for business-minded Air Force officer

Oct. 5, 2016

Ambitious goals can become a reality when backed by a supportive community and an encouraging environment. For Joey Arora, a CU Boulder student who studied business, his twofold goal of starting his own company and joining the U.S. Air Force was made possible by his internal drive and a network of supporters.

Teju Ravilochan

Solving the world’s biggest problems, one entrepreneur at a time

Sept. 21, 2016

Alumnus Teju Ravilochan wants to solve the world’s biggest problems, one entrepreneur at a time, and he has helped create a global enterprise to advance that mission. Meet the co-founder of the Unreasonable Institute.

 ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ working on laptops

College of Music alum creates open-source, free music creation platform

May 25, 2016

Hugh Lobel, a 2015 Doctor of Musical Arts graduate, is making it easier for anyone to compose their own music using his new platform, Music_SDP.
