Stonehenge during winter solstice sunset

Stonehenge may have aligned with the moon as well as the sun

April 22, 2024

There is an abundance of archaeological evidence that indicates solar alignment was part of the architectural design of Stonehenge, but the monument’s ancient connection to the skies may run even deeper than realized. Read from CU expert Erica Ellingson and colleagues on The Conversation.

Emily King Kinsey in front of Boulder Flatirons

Is communication around climate change just hot air?

April 22, 2024

A researcher’s experience in advertising, marketing and public relations gives her a unique angle to study organizational communications and policy around climate impact and awareness.

Woman seated in grass writing in journal

Writing to wellness: New therapy helps cancer patients face biggest fears

April 19, 2024

With new medications extending the lives of advanced cancer patients, many live for years in the face of radical uncertainty. A new CU Boulder-born therapy has been shown to reduce trauma, depression, anxiety and fear.

Composite photo of Ramaley building in 2017 and 1970s

Why the first Earth Day went viral (pre-social media)

April 19, 2024

If you were at CU Boulder in April 1970, you were likely aware―very aware―of the first Earth Day. Two CU Boulder professors explain Earth Day’s history, impact, what it’s become and if it’s still relevant.

Onlookers observe a giant glowing globe at Fiske Planetarium

Earth Day: 7 ways CU Boulder researchers are driving change

April 18, 2024

April 22 is Earth Day, and this year's theme is “Planet vs. Plastics.” Read about seven exciting research projects at CU Boulder as you ponder the importance of Earth Day.

Plastic waste in the ocean

We’re drowning in single-use plastics. Here’s why and what we can do about it

April 18, 2024

Just in time for Earth Day, CU Boulder Professor Phaedra Pezzullo discusses her new book “Beyond Straw Man,” on the online and offline controversies regarding the global social movement to ban plastics.

young students raising their hands in class

How an NBA star and an alumna are trying to change mental wellness in schools

April 18, 2024

Following NBA player Kevin Love’s public struggle with mental health, he launched a foundation to support young people who are also suffering. Ellie Haberl Foster, an education alumna, co-designed the foundation’s free school curriculum to help educators model vulnerability and support students.

Business employees in a meeting room

Why being humble can make you a better leader

April 17, 2024

If you want to get to the top and stay there, humility trumps arrogance as a management style, researchers say. Read from CU expert David Hekman and colleague Elsa Chan on The Conversation.

illustration of the cosmos

Is there life out there? Scientists and philosophers aim to find out

April 17, 2024

CU Boulder is one of five spokes of the Leverhulme Centre for Life in the Universe, charged with exploring the nature and extent of life in the universe.

Leeds School of Business building with Flatirons in the background

Working with Colorado, for Colorado—and its future

April 17, 2024

To contribute to the state’s economic prosperity and thriving business community, the Business Research Division makes a deliberate effort to provide every sector with the tools they need to be successful.
