Stock photo of two piggy banks.

Having a 'household chief financial officer' can ruin financial literacy

May 9, 2018

As couples mature together, they often grow apart in their level of skill in handling their finances based on which partner takes on more financial responsibility.

Moisture-sensing glove

Wearable technology brings high-tech to mushroom hunting

May 9, 2018

Researchers at CU Boulder are exploring how wearable technologies can help people to experience nature as they hunt for fungi.

Smoke stacks

Natural gas and wind energy killed coal, not 'war on coal'

May 7, 2018

Cheap natural gas prices and the increasing availability of wind energy are pummeling the coal industry more than regulation, according to an analysis from CU Boulder and North Carolina State University.

A girl eats a marshmallow.

Self-control shaped by your 'in-group' as early as preschool

May 3, 2018

How a child's social groups behave can significantly influence his or her ability to practice self-control and could have lasting impacts on development of this critical skill, according to a new study.

Laguna Caliente

Microbes living in a toxic volcanic lake could hold clues to life on Mars

May 2, 2018

Researchers have discovered a single species of bacteria living in a volcanic lake that may rank as one of the harshest environments on Earth.

wind turbines

High-res forecasts could help U.S. expand offshore wind power

May 2, 2018

A new NOAA dataset of wind forecasts could help the energy industry identify which offshore areas in the United States have the best potential for wind resource development.


Rapid changes in the high Arctic

May 1, 2018

A new study led by an INSTAAR postdoctoral researcher has found dramatic shifts in the ecosystem of a remote archipelago in the Arctic Ocean.


A surprising new superconductor

May 1, 2018

A CIRES expert and NIST colleagues discover electroplated rhenium's unexpected superconductive characteristics.

Cow pasture

How growing up with pets, dust may boost mental health

April 30, 2018

Children raised in a rural environment, surrounded by animals and bacteria-laden dust, grow up to have more stress-resilient immune systems and might be at lower risk of mental illness than pet-free city dwellers.

Boulder traffic

A pollution 'rush hour' in Boulder

April 30, 2018

A new NOAA-led study shows that chemical emissions from personal care products are comparable to car emissions and contribute to air pollution in Boulder.
