A courtroom inside the Supreme Court building

Moore v. United States: A Supreme Court case that could upend the tax code

Feb. 13, 2024

The case is a “structural threat” to the income tax system as we know it, according to a CU law professor and tax specialist. Sloan Speck gives his take on Moore v. U.S.

Two people lying in grass together

3 tips for dating in college

Feb. 13, 2024

If you’re in a relationship or open to dating, here are some tips that can help you create a meaningful, healthy and happy relationship.

Beatles playing on The Ed Sullivan Show

They wanted to hold your hand (and fans’ ecstatic screams still echo)

Feb. 12, 2024

Sixty years after The Beatles’ first appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show,” CU Boulder historian Martin Babicz reflects on their impact on U.S. culture and politics.

the leads and artists of the LASP Artist in Residence Program

LASP artists-in-residence program hosts local elementary students

Feb. 12, 2024

The Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at CU Boulder recently hosted elementary students as part of Empty Space: A LASP Artist in Residence Program. The Boulder Public Library will feature the students’ artwork.

Vladimir Lenin (center) in Moscow's Red Square.

A bit less visibly, Lenin’s ghost still haunts Russia

Feb. 12, 2024

This year is the 100th anniversary of the death of the Soviet Union’s first communist leader, whose legacy in Russia and former Soviet republics is complicated.

coworkers interacting

How to gain professional experience during the spring semester

Feb. 12, 2024

Now is an excellent time to start thinking about what you can do this spring and summer for your future career success. Learn more about opportunities for gaining professional experience.

vintage style microphone

Scat! CU Boulder introduces new vocal jazz degree, ensemble

Feb. 12, 2024

Among several exciting developments, the College of Music’s Thompson Jazz Studies Program is set to launch a new Bachelor of Music in Vocal Jazz degree this fall.

Chip the buffalo mascot dressed in graduation regalia

Faculty, staff invited to attend Commencement Open House Feb. 27

Feb. 12, 2024

Attend the Commencement open house, where representatives from various campus organizations, as well as off-campus vendors, will be on hand to share helpful planning info. Register by Feb. 20.

O'Neil Jones

Grad student brings first statewide Jamaican Choral Music Symposium to Boulder

Feb. 12, 2024

Mention Jamaican music to most Americans, and the pop sounds of reggae usually come to mind. But there’s much more—the wonderfully rich harmonies of choral music, hundreds of rarely heard sacred songs and folk songs that deserve more exposure. Doctoral student O’Neil Jones is about to make that happen.

Bruns and Crumb at a recording session of 'Metamorphoses, Book II' at Swarthmore College in 2021

Upholding the impact and legacy of composer George Crumb

Feb. 12, 2024

Associate Professor of Music Theory Steven Bruns and the late renowned composer George Crumb shared a close, long-lasting professional relationship and deep friendship. As Bruns nears retirement this spring, he reflects on his role as Crumb’s archivist and biographer.
