Snow-covered buffalo statue on campus

Research & Innovation Office announces faculty fellows class of 2024

Dec. 15, 2023

The new cohort of RIO faculty fellows includes 16 faculty members from departments and research institutes across the campus, embodying the breadth of excellence represented in CU Boulder’s research, scholarship and creative work.

Tomi Oshima Dupeyron

Finding a right path: Tomi Oshima Dupeyron

Dec. 15, 2023

The graduating Integrated Design Engineering senior, with an emphasis in environmental engineering and a minor in physics, has been recognized by the college with an academic engagement award.

Young person throwing snow in the air

6 winter break survival tips

Dec. 15, 2023

Transitioning away from campus for winter break can be a relief, and it can also be challenging. Here are some winter break survival tips to help you thrive over break.

students studying

Free resources to support your job or internship search

Dec. 15, 2023

Career Services offers free on-demand tools to explore career options, find internship and job postings, update your resume and more.

Dean Scott Adler

Thank you for a great semester, grad Buffs

Dec. 15, 2023

As finals draw near, Dean Scott Adler congratulates graduate students for finishing a semester that was challenging in so many ways.

Man holding pole crouches in stream

How an overlooked study over a century ago helped fuel the Colorado River crisis

Dec. 14, 2023

At the start of World War I, a scientist named Eugene Clyde La Rue hiked the American West to estimate how much water flows down the Colorado River. His findings were ignored, but leaders today don't have to make the same mistake, says CU Boulder hydrologist Shemin Ge.

A collection of 10 CUBT research stories

From sun to garden to sea: 10 stories of discovery and exploration from 2023

Dec. 14, 2023

From investigating the chemistry behind fish spots and zebra stripes to developing a new tool that diagnoses illness via breath, CU Boulder researchers made a host of critical discoveries in 2023. Check out these 10 stories about how they made an impact and changed the way we see the world.

A woman looking at paintings

Investing in art: Solid financial move or abstract choice?

Dec. 14, 2023

Art investments involve unique risks but may protect purchasing power. Get Associate Professor Christophe Spaenjers’ take.

Clips of mass shooting news headlines

Thoughts and prayers? In mass shootings, reporters need to think compassion and care

Dec. 14, 2023

There’s no playbook for covering mass shootings. But that may soon change, as Elizabeth Skewes studies how the media can tell the right story—by being more considerate to victims and survivors.

JILA's three-dimensional quantum gas atomic clock

‘Tabletop’ physics experiments receive major funding, with Jun Ye leading key project

Dec. 14, 2023

In an exciting turn for physics research, four major foundations have announced a collaborative funding effort for 11 pioneering experiments. The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Simons Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the John Templeton Foundation have come together, committing a total of $30 million.
