The course enrollment insights tool provides class-level historical and current enrollment data for all academic programs to inform course planning via an easy-to-use dashboard.

The tool assists colleges, schools, and departments in examining enrollment patterns for individual courses (and course sections) to make future scheduling decisions easier and more data-informed.

This tool was developed in response to requests from campus partners in Academic Affairs, the colleges and schools, and the Office of Data Analytics.

What to know

  • When did the course enrollment insights tool become available?
    • A prototype of the tool became available in early fall 2023 and included fall 2023 enrollment data.
    • An updated version with spring 2024 enrollment data became available later in fall 2023.
  • Who has access to the course enrollment insights tool?
    • Individuals with course and enrollment planning responsibilities within schools and colleges have access to the tool.
    • This may include deans, associate and assistant deans, chairs, program directors and managers, and course schedulers.
  • What kinds of things can this tool help with?
    • This tool can inform answers to questions like “Do I need to open up another section of a particular course?” and “Why aren’t some of our classes filling as expected?”
  • How does the course enrollment insights tool differ from existing course scheduling tools at CU Boulder?
    • The course enrollment insights tool is designed to complement existing scheduling tools, such as the , not replace them.

Initial user feedback on the prototype has been favorable, and we'll continue to solicit feedback as the tool evolves. Visit the Office of Data Analytics webpage for additional resources, including a recorded demo of the tool.

Whom to contact with questions

Contact your dean’s office with questions and feedback on using the course enrollment insights tool.