QTI Peer Voice 

In the pursuit of improving teaching quality, the role of collegial peer engagement cannot be understated.  Unstructured and irregular peer review can yield uneven results that do not serve faculty or departments.  In research, creative enterprises, and scholarship, the voice of peers offers review, critique, insight, and even challenge so practitioners can improve their craft.  Formative feedback about teaching, provided in a routine, structured manner, allows for faculty to gain perspective and actionable evidence about teaching from highly trained professional peers.   

QTI offers protocols, practices, and processes for departments to consider as they develop updated evaluation of instruction.   

  • Peer Review Procedure Sample   [Word] and [pdf]
  • Peer Observation Sample Protocol  [Word] and [pdf]
  • Protocol for Peer Evaluation of a Research Group [Word] and [pdf]
  • Protocol for Peer Evaluation of a Studio Course [Word] and [pdf]
  • Post-Observation Interview Questionnaire  [Word] and [pdf]
  • Guidelines to Draft Peer Classroom Observation Letters  [Word] and [pdf]
  • Sample: Aggregated Rubric for Peer Review  [Word] and [pdf]