What are the academic advantages of living in the Leeds RAP?

  • Small class sizes.
  • An academic advisor who is located in the residence hall.
  • ֲý take all of required first-year business courses in the residence hall.
  • All RAP instructors hold office hours in the residence hall.

The Leeds RAP is designed for first-yearstudents who value an active community and desire a deeper college experience that involves connecting with faculty, staff, professionalsand peers.

The Leeds RAPbuilds individuals who are prepared, engaged,and equipped to succeed in 21st-century workplaces and to take roles as global leaders. As a studentin the Leeds RAP, you will participate in the Designing Your Leeds first-year seminar course, which focuses on helping you customize your college experience while furthering your professional and academic growth as you transition into college. In addition, having your classmates, professors and advisor located in the residence hall facilitatesfaster,more meaningful relationships.

Additionally, the Leeds RAP hosts events throughout the year with myriad areas of academic and professional focus. Events in the last year include:

  • “Introduction to the World of Finance,”“Introduction to Accounting,”Insights into Marketing,”and “Introduction to Management” with Leeds faculty members
  • Attending TEDx Boulder
  • “Developing a career in global real estate," "5 tips for find and working with your personal mentor,""Careers in the energy industry," and financial planning with Boulder-area professionals.

Courses Offered in Leeds RAP

Leeds RAP students take core business course in a small classroom setting in the residence hall, where they also have access to faculty and advisor office hours.

What I Enjoyed Most About Leeds RAP

“It was so helpful being surrounded by business kids who were studying the same thing as me. It allowed for intellectual conversationbetween hardworking people, and that's pretty awesome!"

-Anna A.

The following courses are offered in the Leeds RAP:

  • BCOR 1015 World of Business
  • BCOR 1025 Statistical Analysis in Business
  • BCOR 1030 Communication Strategy
  • MATH 1112 Mathematical Analysis in Business
  • BADM 1250 First-Year Seminar for Business
  • BADM 1260 First-Year Global Experience