
Karl Linden, Department Chair

Department’s administrative leader. Responsible for the general operation and efficiency of the department, including financial and personnel management. Works with the Executive Committee to develop and oversee departmental policy.

Christopher Senseney, Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education

Department leader of undergraduate education. Responsible for chairing the Curriculum Committee, overseeing the continuous improvement process for accreditation, leading undergraduate recruiting and undergraduate orientation programs.

Joseph Kasprzyk, Associate Chair for Graduate Education

Department leader of graduate education. Responsible for chairing the Graduate Committee, overseeing graduate policies, admissions, appointments, examinations and recruitment.

Shideh Dashti, Associate Chair for Administration

Works closely with the chair on issues of budget, staff supervision, department advisory board engagement, and strategic planning and implementation.

Mija Hubler, Associate Chair for Faculty Advancement

Department leader tasked with running the Mentoring Committee and coordinating the Teaching Quality Framework (TQF) process. Coordinates internal and external faculty awards. Supports website, media and communications outreach of faculty and student achievements. Participates in departmental leadership strategy meetings as well as consults with the Chair and Executive Committee on faculty issues and needs.

Steven Ayer, Faculty Director for Civil Engineering

Department leader for outreach for the civil engineering undergraduate degree with the college, university, industry and prospective students and their parents. Works with communications and alumni relations staff to  promote the civil engineering degree program.

Jay Arehart, Faculty Director for Architectural Engineering

Department leader for outreach for the architectural engineering undergraduate degree with the college, university, industry and prospective students and their parents. Works with communications and alumni relations staff to  promote the architectural engineering degree program.

Mike Hannigan, Faculty Director for Environmental Engineering

Leader of the undergraduate program in Environmental Engineering.  Responsible for overseeing the continuous improvement process for accreditation, leading undergraduate recruiting and undergraduate orientation programs.


ABET Leadership

Wil V. Srubar

Chair and ABET Coordinator for AREN

Azadeh Bolhari

ABET Coordinator for EVEN

Daniel Knight

ABET Assessment Coordinator