The outstanding research conducted by the faculty and students in our department has led to the founding and many exciting startup and spinoff companies:

ALD Nanosolutions (merged with )

Founded by Steven George and Al Weimer

ALD Nanosolutions merged with Forge Nano in January 2021. The company’s innovative Particle ALD Technology, invented at CU Boulder, provides for well-controlled functionalization of particle surfaces at the atomic scale. This platform technology has numerous cutting edge applications in the areas of batteries, catalysis and additive manufacturing, among others. It is currently supported by more than five global companies.

Founded by Al Weimer

Big Blue Technologies is focused on the manufacture of magnesium metal, other metals, ceramics and specialty products. BBT specializes in high temperature chemistry—up to 2200 degrees Celsius—in vacuum, inert and/or reactive atmospheres, and reactor design.

Colorado Photopolymer Solutions (merged with )

Founded by Chris Bowman

Colorado Photopolymer Solutions provides high quality materials and technology development in all areas of photopolymerization. The company develops and manufactures custom photocurable formulations and monomers tailored to meet the needs of individual companies and applications. They also provide consulting services in all areas of photopolymerizations for development of monomers, formulations, specialty polymers and materials, and analytical characterization.

Founded by Kristi Anseth and Chris Bowman

Mosaic is advancing a fundamentally new class of synthetic materials to support native tissue regeneration. Mosaic expects to significantly impact the field of tissue regeneration, including applications in wound healing, bone regeneration, cartilage repair, stem cell therapy and dermal fillers.


Founed by Kristi Anseth

Nanoly Bioscience, Inc. is working to bypass the vaccine “cold chain,” which is a refrigerated system of transporting and storing vaccines within the narrow temperature range of 35 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit. The strict temperature limitations are necessary to prevent vaccine proteins from denaturing, rendering the vaccines inactive. Keeping vaccines at a certain temperature restricts their ability to be delivered to remote areas of the world where there is no electricity or refrigeration—areas that could benefit from vaccines the most. Nanoly Bioscience aims to develop a polymer that can be blended with vaccines to prevent spoilage without refridgeration.

RxKinetix (sold to )

Founded by Theodore Randolph

Founded by Jerome Fox

Think Bioscience is a synthetic biology company dedicated to developing life-saving medicines. The Think Bio team is working to harness the versatility and evolvability of microbial systems to build therapeutics that hit "undruggable" targets.

Founed by Michael McGehee

TYNT Technologies is developing dynamic windows via Reversible Metal Electrodeposition, which uses metal films to control light and heat flow in windows.

Founded by Theodore Randolph

VitriVax, Inc. is a vaccine stabilization company formed in 2014.

Start-ups based on former faculty research

Founded by Ryan Gill

Biota Technology is a venture-backed startup that delivers novel software and information services to industrial markets. The company leverages low cost DNA sequencing and cloud computing with their innovations in microbiome software and data science to solve large, unmet industrial challenges.

Founded by Doug Gin and Rich Noble

Ion Engineering is a start-up company formed by former students and postdocs from the Noble and Gin research groups. This company focuses on using ionic liquid-amine solutions for large-scale CO2 removal from industrial combustion exhaust.

Founded by Rich Noble

SFC Fluidics Inc. is a medical device company with a mission to advance healthcare and improve quality of life through our enabling microfluidic technologies. The company’s vision is to become a recognized global leader in the drug delivery and health monitoring markets where our unique product lines improve lifestyle and affordability. We believe our drug delivery platform provides a technological leap in performance and will dramatically improve therapy compliance rates in several important disease markets.
