CU Boulder has a robust computing and networking environment used by members of the campus community to create, discover, and share information electronically. All users must comply with theĢżAcceptable Use of CU-Boulderā€™s IT Resources policy when using those resources within CU-Boulder and CMCI.Ģż CMCI labs are governed under the same or similar standards for their technology labs.

  1. No eating or drinking in labs
    No food or beverages, other than water in a secure bottle with a screw top lid, is permitted near the computers.Ģż The person responsible for any damage to the technology in this lab because of food or beverage will be held responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of the technology.
  2. Use resources ethically; don't harm computing and network resources
    You should use computing and network resources efficiently and effectively. Donā€™t engage in excessive game playing; send frivolous or excessive email, including chain email; print excessive copies of documents, files, images, or data; keep unnecessarily large files on shared systems; or, if you are authorized to have one, do not host a server that places excessive demands on network capacity. We recommend that you set your computer on the energy save mode to conserve energy when not in use.
  3. Do not damage the technology
    Donā€™t make deliberate attempts to harm, degrade, or negligently disrupt the performance of any CU Boulder CMCI computing and network resources or use CU Boulder's resources to harm other computing and network resources (e.g. donā€™t create or spread viruses, damage equipment, software, or data, disrupt services, or engage in IP spoofing). If you are found responsible for any damage to the technology or computing system, you will be held responsible for any damage. This includes but is not limited to, cracked screens, damaged keyboards, missing or stolen cords, and other related computing items.
  4. Don't harass
    The integrity of the CU Boulder computing and networking environment depends on a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation to ensure that everyone has equal privacy and protection from interference or harassment; therefore, you may not annoy, intimidate, threaten, offend, or bother another person by: conveying obscene language, pictures, and/or other materials; making threats of bodily or psychological harm; contacting another person repeatedly with the intent to annoy or bother; and/or contacting a person who has expressed a desire for communication to cease.
  5. Don't use CU Boulder's computing and network resources for commercial purposes
    You may not use CU Boulderā€™s computing and network resources for personal financial gain and/or commercial purposes, whether for-profit or non-profit. Additionally, you may not sell your access to the CU Boulder network to anyone.
  6. Don't use CU Boulder's computing and network resources for political campaigns
    It is against state law for state resources or funds to be used for supporting political campaigns, candidates, legislation, or ballot issues. Student organizations that are officially recognized by UCSU may advance their organizationā€™s mission as long as they abide by university policy as well as by state and federal law.
  7. Comply with copyright law
    Donā€™t violate copyright law by illegally copying, distributing, downloading and/or uploading information from the Internet (or any electronic source). This includes copyrighted audio materials, movies, software, video games, and images. Copyright law protects a work, in whatever medium, unless it has been placed in the public domain. Owners of copyrights hold exclusive right to the reproduction and distribution of their work; therefore, unauthorized use and distribution of copyrighted works is illegal. Even innocent, unintentional infringement violates copyright law.
  8. Know (understand) the limitations of privacy in electronic communications
    Recognize that in certain circumstances, the university may access and disclose faculty, student, or staff electronic communications; therefore, privacy and/or confidentiality should never be assumed.
  9. Handle data appropriately
    You must be aware that you have special responsibilities when handling sensitive data electronically (e.g. electronic data containing social security numbers, PINs, CU ID numbers, passwords of any nature, health, medical and psychological records, police records, and/or final grades). Employees responsible for generating, creating, and/or altering sensitive data have a special responsibility to safeguard the data and maintain the accuracy of the data. You should password protect your computer so that data cannot be obtained by an unauthorized user.
  10. Be aware of your IT responsibilitiesā€”know the policies!
    Remember that these guidelines are just an interpretation of important CU Boulder IT policies and CMCI follows the same policies in the collegeā€™s labs. These guidelines do not replace federal, state or campus policies. Additional policies, which you should be aware of, can be found at theĢżAssociate Vice Chancellor for IT website. Non-compliance with IT policies may have legal ramifications as well as financial consequences. Act responsibly!