This is a project to document in one place all the Indigenous place names known for Colorado. Eventually, we plan to have a scroll-over map, and ideally sound recordings of each name. Prior to that, we will eventually have at least have a guide to the orthography for each Indigenous language. But until that time, we are operating on the principle that something is better than nothing. So below is a list of Colorado places, and the Indigenous name for that place (in as many languages as available). Where we have it, we give the Indigenous word. In other cases, we have only the Indigenous translation, but not yet the original word. We will use the official established tribal orthography in all cases to write the Indigenous languages.

Colorado English Name Indigenous Name = Meaning of Indigenous Name Բܲ
Apishapa River

ōevozeoho = ‘quarreling river’

Arikaree River

ononeohe = ‘arikara river’s

pȟaláni wakpá = Arikara River



Arkansas River

mozooeneohe = ‘flint arrowpoint river’ > motsėsóon-e- -ó’h’e

‘arrowhead/flint river’

‘long river’

wahíŋ wakpá = flint river ***





Bear Creek (flows into Arkansas River)

‘bison bull river’ [may be Two Buttes Creek]

‘buck antelope corral creek’



Beaver Creek/Little Beaver Creek (flows into Republican River)

Beaver River

Beaver Water



Black Mesa

‘dark cove/bluff concavity’
bluff in Baca or Las Animas County

Caddo Creek or Rate Creek (enters Arkansas)

'prickly pear creek'

Cimarron River

hotoaeohe = ‘bull river’ > hotóá’e- -ó’h’e

‘buffalo bull river’; formerly ‘many pipe dance river’



Clay Creek(enters Arkansas River; Prowers County, CO) 'creek where there is paint'

'hill creek'



Colorado River 'big river' Ƿɲ

Colorado Springs/Manitou Springs

‘boiling water’

'Medicine Fountain'



Crow Creek (enter South Platte River) ‘Crow (Indian) river’ or ‘crow (bird) river’ ԲԱ
Denver ȟeská otȟúŋwahe = rocky mountain dzٲ
Fountain Creek

esevoteohe = ‘seething river’


Frenchman Creek (flows into Republican River)

vehoeohe = ‘white man’s river’ > vé’ho’é- -ó’h’e

Laramie River henaeneohe = ‘goose river’ > héna‘e- -ó’h’e

mağá wakpá = goose river ***



Longs Peak esevonevē = buffalo peak/lodge/tipi Cheyenne

Manitou Springs/Fontaine qui bouille Creek

'boiling river'
'spring creek'
'boiling water'


Mud Creek (flows into Arkansas River)

hekōmaeohe ‘miry creek’ or ‘soft ground’ > he’kóma’o’e- Cheyenne
North Platte River meneeohe = ‘shell river’ ԲԱ
Pikes Peak

‘white mountain’ [see Lakota for Rocky Mountains]

ookoomenevós or ookoomeneta = bald peak > oo’k-



Platte River

pȟaŋkéska wakpá = shell river *** [North Platte]

meneeohe = ‘shell river’ : méne’e-



Purgatory River (or Las Animas River)

hotoanaohe = ‘difficult river’ : hótoaná- -ó’h’e

'rock river'



Redwillow River, flows into Republican below Beecher's Island Makōmehesseohe = red willow river > ma’ó‘hamó‘seo‘o- ?? -ó’h’e ԲԱ
Republican River, South Fork vehoneohe = ‘chief river’ > véhon- -ó’h’e ԲԱ

Republican River, North Fork

‘cannonball river’ (Republican generally)

mahōhevaeohe = ‘red shield river’ (Republican generally)

‘manure river’ (Republican generally)

pȟaŋğí wakpá = Jerusalem Artichoke river (Republican generally) ***

Petter CH: hohozeohe(?) = ‘artichoke river’ [but no location given]





Rio Grande River Vehoeohe=white man river ԲԱ
Rocky Mountains 'Ute Mountains'

ȟe-ská = mountain-white ***

hohona, pl. hohonā = rock, rocks = ho‘honaáá‘e




Salt Fork of the Arkansas voxpomaozeohe = ‘salt river‘ = vóhpoma‘őtse- -ó’h’e ԲԱ
Sand Creek

ponoeohe = ‘dry creek’ > pónoe- -ó’h’e

'dry creek'



Smoky Hill River, South River 'pawnee river'
'sandy river'

manóeohe = ‘bunch of trees river’ (Smoky Hill generally) or ‘timber grove river’

‘yellow banks’ (Smoky Hill generally)




South Platte River 'fat/tallow river'

'vitaneohe = 'fat/tallow river' > veta- -ó’h’e

'broad river' (Platte generally)

wašíŋ wakpá = tallow river ***





Two/Twin Buttes:

‘hill’ or ‘two hills’ (287)

Two Butte Creek 'driftwood creek' Kiowa
Yellowpaint River (Flows into Purgatory River)

heovoneohe ‘yellowpaint river’ > heóv- -ó’h’e

Achonee, Mount, Grand, CO Chief ó‘kénėstse ‘One Eye’ *** ԲԱ
Amache, Camp, ProwersCO

Chief’s Daughter amåhtóohe ‘Howls Along Woman’ ?? ***

Arapaho Name Places in Colorado
Places Arapaho Name Arapaho Translated to English
Baker Mountain/Pass, Grand CO heeyeisoono'toh'ou3i'I Where The Sparrow Hawk's Young Hang
Baker-Brooks Meadow, Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) heebe3iboo3etiit Big Battle
Bartholf Park/ Glacier Basin, RMNP heetohso'owu' Where the Land is Flat
Beaver Creek, RMNP bih'ihiikoh'owu' Deer Creek
Bierstadt Lake, RMNP ni'ec honoute' Hanging Lake
Big Creek Lake, Jackson CO ni'eciikoh'owu' Lake Creek
Big Meadows, RMNP toonoxutee' It is a Meadow
Big Thompson River. RMNP hiicooo The Pipe River
Blue River, Summit CO biisee3 tih'iikou'uni' Were Blue Paint was Gathered
Boulder Brook, RMNP ce'eiinoonoohoet Rawhide Dish
Buckhorn Creek, Jackson CO coo'oo'oe' Thick Brush
Buffalo Mountain, Jackson CO hii3einoteyoo' Buffalo Mountain
Buffalo Pass, Jackson CO heneeceibooo Buffalo Trail
Bull Frog Rock and Sheep Creek, RMNP niiinon The Tipi
Cabin Creek, RMNP woo3ee3i' hebesii Lots of Beaver
Chauncey, Mount, Grand CO beiines heetohkokoyoo' Square Forts
Hosa, Jefferson CO houusoo

Chiefs Name: Crow Offspring

Chiefs Head Peak, RMNP hookuhu'eeno Heads
Clarks Peak, Larimer, CO hiwoxuuhuunisoo' Elks Horn
Collegiate Range and Mount Massive, Lake CO hiwoxuu hookuhu'ee Elk's Head
Craig, Mount, RMNP neneehii3ei'oteyoo' Middle Mountain
Crystal Mountain, Larimer CO hinooox hoono'uu Mica Hill
Cub Lake, RMNP tihoo'oenootee' ni'eci' Where there was a Camp around the lake
Deer Mountain, RMNP cenii3oteyoo' Going-Inside Mountain
Denver, Denver CO niineniiniicie Tallow River
Devil's Washboard/McCreary, RMNP hoh'onookeenooxeb Rock Spring
Eagle Rock and School Section Rocks, Larimer CO nouuteyoono' Bone Pipes
Echo, Shadow and Lookout Mountain, RMNP beniisoteyoo' Piney Mountain
Elk River, Jackson CO neetookooneeniiciihehe' Drowning River
Enetah, Mount, RMNP hineniteenoteyoo' Person Mountain
Estes Cone and Wind River Cliffs, RMNP neneesoteyou'u Three Mountains
Estes Park, Larimer CO heetko'einoo' Where it is Circular
Fall River, RMNP hecesiicooo Little Pipe River
Flatiron Mountain, Larimer CO neenowuxootei'i They Face to The North
Flattop Mountain, RMNP heebe3booo Big Trail
Fountain Creek, El Paso, CO konootoowu' Boiling Water
Fraser River, Grand CO benii3oonoo' It is Steep
Giant track Mountain, Larimer, CO hinenitee tohnooxeihit Giant Tracks
Glacier Basin, RMNP heetohso'owu' Where the Land is Flat
Grand Lake, Grand, CO beteeni'ec Holy Lake
Grand Lake, Grand, CO heebe3ni'ec Big Lake
Grand Lake, south point of, Grand CO kokuy Gun
Grand Lake area, Grand CO ce'eiinox Game Bag
Grays Peak and Torreys Peak, Summit CO heeniiyoowuu Ant Hills
Green Mountain ? Sage Hills
Hallett Peak, RMNP bonoh'ooonoteyoo' Thunder Peak
Harm's Peak nii'eetei'i tih'iikou'uni'i Where White Turnips were Gathered
Haynach Lakes, RMNP hiiinec Snow Water
Hedricks Flats, RMNP niitohnonouhti' Where We Race
Horseshoe Park, RMNP ciitoowuu' Inside the Lodge
I-25, CO/WY border, rock formation, Larimer CO nih'iitkotousi'I Where They Took Shelter
James Peak and south, Gilpin CO hooxei hookute' Wolf's Canine
Joe Wright Creek, Larimer CO hiwoxuukoh'owu' Elk Creek
Julian, Mount, to Stones Peak and intervening area, RMNP woxse'eihtoo The Bear Paws
Kaly Cook Springs, RMNP hoh'onookeenooxeb Rock Spring
Kawuneeche Valley, RMNP koo'ohwuuniicii Coyote River
Kawuneeche Valey, area in, RMNP bexookeinokoy Mountain Lions' Den
Lake Haiyaha, RMNP hoh'oooyoo' Rocks All Around
Laramie Plains, Larimer, CO heneeceibooo Buffalo Trail
Lily Lake, RMNP hebesokoy Beaver Lodge
Lily Mountain, RMNP heebesokoyonoteyoo' Beaver Lodge Mountain
Little Beaver Creek boo'oowu' Flows Red
Little Beaver River honooxoehibiisii'iini' Bullberry Bushes
Longs Peak, RMNP neniisoteyou'u Two Mountains
Longs Peak Inn Area, Larimer CO hisei tih'iinoxowuso'oneit bes Where Woman Was Killed
Lookout, Shadow and Echo Mountain, RMNP beniisoteyoo' Piney Mountain
Lulu Pass, RMNP booh'ooni3esoo' Thunder Pass
Manitou Springs, El Paso CO beteenooxeb Holy Spring
Massive, Mount and Collegiate Range, Lake CO hiwoxuu hookuhu'ee Elk's Head
McCreery Hill Spring, RMNP bih'ihiikoh'owu' Deer Creek
McHenry's Peak , RMNP beniixoteyou'u Bare Miuntains
Michigan Creek , Jackson CO bei'i'einiiciihehe' Little Shell Creek
Kawuneeche Valley, area in, RMNP toh'okooxeeeni' Where We Get Poles
Mills Lake, RMNP teiitooni'ec Still Lake
Milner Pass, RMNP bih'iibooo Deer Road
Mountain, east side of North Park, Jackson CO heneeceinokoy Buffalo Lodge
Mummy Range, RMNP nookbee3eino' White Owls
Needles, Larimer CO 3ee3i'oteyoo' Lumpy Mountain
Neota Mountain, Larimer CO hote' hitee Mountain Sheeps Heart
Nisa, Mount, RMNP niisoo Twin
Niwot City, Boulder CO nowoo3 Chiefs Name; Left Hand. Arapaho Chief
Niwot Mountain, Boulder CO nowoo3 Chiefs Name; Left Hand. Arapaho Chief
Nokhu Craggs, Jackson CO nohuux Saw Tooth Mountain or Eagles Nest
North Park, Jackson CO heneeceibooo Buffalo Road
Kawuneeche Valley, area in, RMNP hiwoxuuhuu3o'ohcoo Pounded Elk Meat
Notchtop Mountain, RMNP hoteinetihii Mountain Sheeps Trail
Old Man Mountain, Larimer CO hinen toh3i'okut Where a Man is Sitting
Olympus, Mount, and two other mountains, Larimer CO neeneb3i'eiitei'i Faces to the Wind
Onahu Creek, RMNP hoonouhut Warms Himself
Owl Canyon, Larimer CO hookoh'o' heetohwoo3ee3ei' Where there are Many Miller Moths
Park on West Creek, RMNP woo'teenehi3i' niih'eikuhnee3i' Where Utes were Scattered
Pikes Peak, El Paso CO heeyoteyoo'

Long or Tall Mountain

Porphyry Peaks , Grand CO hite3ounokoy Crane Lodge
Poudre Valley, Larimer CO ce'eiinox

Game Bag

Prospect Mountain, Larimer CO biixuut The Shirt
Never Summer Mountains, Grand CO niiciibiicei'i It is Never Summer
Sage Brush Flats, Grand CO nookhoosei'iini' There is Lots of Sagebrush
Seven Utes Mountain, Jackson CO niisootoxu3i' heetohwo'teenehi3i' The Seven Utes
Shadow, Lookout and Echo Mountain, RMNP beniisoteyoo' Piney Mountain
Signal Peak, RMNP honooxoenoteyoo' Wolf Mountain
Signal Peak/Mountain, RMNP tooxu'oo' hisei to'uut Womans Sharp Hammer
Owl Creek, Jackson CO nihoonoobe' Yellow Paint/Earth
Specimen Mountain, RMNP heetohxouu'oo' Where it Smokes
Steep Mountain , RMNP heneecee teesnoh'kuhneet Buffalo Bill Chased up to the top

is Petter’s Cheyenne dictionary, river names. See also entry for ‘mountain’ and ‘peak’