
We anticipate participation from a large number of colleges and universities, foundations and philanthropic organizations, private industry, and others from the January commitment cohort and the extended community. A primary target audience is leaders from individual institutions of higher education that span the range of institutions positioned to address participation in STEM education, and we begin by drawing from those who participated in the College Opportunity event.

Beyond individual institutions we will include those coalitions and organizations focusing on this agenda including but not limited to: the AAU (STEM Education Initiative), APLU (SMTI, MTEP, and their national network initiatives), Project Kaleidoscope, and the Bay View Alliance. Federal agencies committed to this initiative will be included (for example the National Research Council, National Science Foundation, NASA, US Department of Education). Similarly we will include regional organizations from the state initiatives in STEM education to regional accreditors (NCA / HLC) and organizations of universities (WICHE).