In collaboration with the university community, Disability Services ensures that students with disabilities receive reasonable accommodations and services to participate equally in the academic environment. ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ who have been approved for accommodations will use Accommodate to make and track supplemental accommodation requests, manage their accommodation letters, and check the status of other service requests.

Basis for Determining Accommodations

Eligibility for academic accommodations is based on the data in the documentation and accompanying school information that clearly demonstrate that a student has one or more functional limitations in the academic setting and that these limitations require accommodation in order to achieve equal access. Accommodations are intended to provide equal access, not guarantee success or maximize a student’s potential.

Accommodations Management

ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½, faculty, and staff can access Accommodate to manage accommodations, obtain accommodation letters, and check the status of other service requests such as note-taking, alternative material formats, and exam scheduling.

Learn more about Accommodate

Housing and Dining Accommodations

University Housing provides reasonable housing and dining accommodations to residents with a disability.

Learn more about housing and dining accommodations

Parking and Transportation Accommodations

Disability Services and Parking and Transportation Services work collaboratively to support students with disabilities or temporary medical conditions who need assistance with parking on or commuting to, from and around campus.

Learn more about parking and transportation accommodations

Academic Accommodations

Accommodations are only available to students who are registered with Disability Services and have been approved. All accommodations are provided based on individual student needs.