Student News

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Ana Sanchezwas awarded with the Richard D. Wyant Endowed Award in Audiology from the ֲý School of Medicine Department of Otolaryngology.


Hannah Sake (co-author Don Bell-Souder) won First Place Poster Prize at the Colorado Academy of Audiology Conference for her poster "Remote vs In-Person Testing of Speech-in-Noise Using AzBio"

Natalie Raden (co-authors Kayla Cormier, Carly Schimmel, and Kenna Dugdale) won Second Place Poster Prize at the Colorado Academy of Audiology Conference for her poster "How over the counter hearing aids impact cognition and speech perception"

Kayla Cormier and Carly Schimmel were awarded Audiology/Hearing Science Reach Travel Awards (ARTA) through ASHA

Carly Schimmel was awarded the Plural Research Scholarship Award through the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciencs and Disorders (CAPSD) for her project "Digits in Noise Test as an Online Hearing Assessment in Comparison with QuickSIN"


Jasmine Ramirez was awarded with the Richard D. Wyant Endowed Award in Audiology from the ֲý School of Medicine Department of Otolaryngology for her project geared toward enhancing diversity and inclusion in the field of audiology

Kayla Cormier was awarded First Place Poster at the Colorado Academy of Audiology Conference for her poster “Cognitive screening in audiology settings”

Kayla Cormier was awarded with an NIH T32 Post-Doctoral Research Trainee grant through the ֲý, Anschutz Medical Campus Department of Otolaryngology.

Kayla Cormier was awarded the Institute of Cognitive Science Student Research Award.


Kayla Cormier (co-authors Don Bell-Souder, Carly Schimmel, and Emily Lee) was awarded First Place Poster at the Colorado Academy of Audiology “Hearing loss and psychosocial outcomes: Influences of social emotional aspects and personality”

Emily Lee (co-authors Kayla Cormier and Don Bell-Souder) was awarded Second Place Poster at the Colorado Academy of Audiology Conference for her poster “Face mask use in health care settings: effects on cognition, listening effort and strategies for amelioration”

Carly Schimmel (co-authors Bailey Harmon, Hannah Glick, and Don Bell-Souder) was awarded Second Place Poster at the Colorado Academy of Audiology Conference for her poster "Changes in alpha power in the brain after hearing aid use"

Kayla Cormier was awarded with the American Cochlear Implant Alliance (ACIA) Student Scholarship Award to present herposter "Cortical maturation and cognitive outcomes in young deaf adults who use cochlear implants"at the ACIA conference

Carly Schimmel was awarded with the American Cochlear Implant Alliance (ACIA) Student Scholarship Award to present herposter "The role of telehealth in aural habilitation therapy for children fitted with cochlear implants and hearing aids"at the ACIA conference

Carly Schimmel (co-authors Hannah Glick,and Don Bell-Souder) was awarded with the James & Susan Jerger Award for Excellence in Student Research for her poster "Spectral changes in the brain after hearing aid use" at the American Academy of Audiology Conference

Kayla Cormier (co-authors Don Bell-Souder and Carly Schimmel) was awarded with the American-Speech-Hearing Association (ASHA) Meritorious Poster Designation for her poster “Cortical maturation and cognitive outcomes in young Deaf adults who use cochlear implants” at the ASHA conference


Carly Schimmel (co-authors Emily Lee, Hannah Glick, and Don Bell-Souder) was awarded with the American-Speech-Hearing Association (ASHA) Meritorious Poster Designation for her poster "Brain changes in mild to moderate hearing loss after hearing aid use" at the ASHA conference

Carly Schimmel (co-authors Emily Lee, Hannah Glick, and Don Bell-Souder) was awarded with the James & Susan Jerger Award for Excellence in Student Research for her poster "Brain changes in mild to moderate hearing loss after hearing aid use" at the American Academy of Audiology Conference