Current Requirements (starting Fall 2022)

Current Degree Plan of Study Form

For students admitted Fall 2022 and later, the requirements are 6 electives and the following 4 core courses:

  • EMEN 5015: Engineering Communication-TAKEN IN FIRST SEMESTER
  • EMEN 5020: Finance and Accounting for Engineering Managers
  • EMEN 5030: Project Management OR EMEN 5405:  Fundamentals of Systems Engineering
  • EMEN 5050: Leading Oneself

Please note, students already admitted to the program (Summer 2022 and earlier) have the option to complete their degree under the new core requirements or stay with their current plan.

  • Any EMEN course counts as an elective, except EMEN 5000 does not count towards degree requirements: Comprehensive Course List.

    • One of the six electives can be a technically oriented graduate course from another program (must be approved by EMP).

      • Preapproved electives outside of EMEN include the following (only one counts towards the degree):
        • MBAX 6460: Supply Chain Management
        • MBAX 6843: Supply Chain Analytics
        • MSAX 6450: International Operations Management
        • MSBX 5450: Transportation & Logistics
        • MSBX 5470: Procurement & Contracting
        • MSBX 5435: Planning & Production
  • Earn a Certificate 
  • Capstone Project (EMEN 6810); see below under "degree completion" for more details

ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ Admitted Summer 2022 & Earlier

For students admitted Spring 2020-Summer 2022, the requirements are 5 electives and the following 5 core courses:

5 courses:

  • EMEN 5005: Introduction to Applied Statistics
  • EMEN 5015: Engineering Communication (Previously EMEN 5830: Special Topics)
  • EMEN 5020: Finance and Accounting for Engineering Managers
  • EMEN 5030: Project Management OR EMEN 5405:  Fundamentals of Systems Engineering
  • EMEN 5050: Leading Oneself

For those students that are required to take EMEN 5000, this is a prerequisite course and cannot be counted towards the Engineering Management degree.

ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ already admitted to the program have the option to complete their degree under the new core requirements or stay with their current plan.

Please note, for students admitted to the program Spring 2017 & earlier, please contact Kendra Thibeault, Graduate Advisor, with any questions regarding degree requirements.

ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ Admitted Fall 2019 & Earlier

For students admitted Fall 2019 or earlier, the requirements are 5 electives and the following 5 core courses:

5 courses:

  • EMEN 5010: Introduction to Engineering Management (no longer offered)
  • EMEN 5015: Engineering Communication (Previously EMEN 5830: Special Topics)
  • EMEN 5020: Finance and Accounting for Engineering Managers
  • EMEN 5030: Project Management OR EMEN 5405:  Fundamentals of Systems Engineering
  • EMEN 5050: Leading Oneself

For those students that are required to take EMEN 5000, this is a prerequisite course and cannot be counted towards the Engineering Management degree.

ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ already admitted to the program have the option to complete their degree under the new core requirements or stay with their current plan.

Please note, for students admitted to the program Spring 2017 & earlier, please contact Kendra Thibeault, Graduate Advisor, with any questions regarding degree requirements.

Degree Completion

For those graduating in spring 2022 and later, there will be an option for coursework only or a capstone project.  Both requirements will be 30 credits and the capstone course will replace one of the elective courses. The EMP capstone course is an opportunity for students in their final year of study to culminate their educational experience and apply their knowledge and skills to a capstone project.

ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ complete 30 credits of coursework according to requirements listed above.

ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ complete 27 credits of coursework according to requirements listed above + a 3 credit capstone course (30 credits) in their final spring semester.  The capstone course (EMEN 6810) will be offered starting in the spring 2022 term and is expected to be offered every spring.  Interested students should take the capstone course in their final spring semester.  EMEN 5015: Engineering Communication should be taken prior to the capstone course, preferably in the first semester of the degree program.

  • Why should you choose the capstone option?
    • If you are interested in pursuing a topic of interest in greater detail, the capstone course will
      • Review best practices in communication and planning by developing
        • Research skills
        • Presentation skills
        • Planning skills
        • Writing skills
        • Giving and receiving feedback (peer feedback)
        • Goal setting
      • Guide you through development of a project or topic of your choice
        • Work with an advisor in your field of interest
        • Become a topic expert
      • Enable you to become a desirable employee and colleague

  • Up to nine credits can be transferred, including courses taken as a non-degree seeking student at CU
  • Course cannot have been taken towards another degree
  • Course taken from an accredited institution
  • Course classified as graduate level status
  • Course grade is a B or higher
  • Student submits course syllabus, description and transcript to EMP to request a preliminary review of the course content for approval
  • The credits cannot be transferred until after the student has completed at least six credits of graduate level coursework as a degree seeking student on the CU Boulder campus with a 3.0 GPA
  • Once 6 credits have been completed, fill out the Request for Transfer of Credit form

  • The Graduate School is the final approving authority

  • Engineering Management students are not eligible for CPT, but have the option to apply for Pre-Completion OPT for off-campus work authorization. Please review ISSS’s Pre-Completion OPT webpage for information on pre-completion OPT including the eligibility requirements.