The Road to Graduation - FAQs

In order to graduate with a baccalaureate degree from the CU Boulder College of Engineering & Applied Science, undergraduate students need to meet College graduation requirements, as well as graduation requirements set by their respective major department/program.

Do I need to see my academic advisor if I have been keeping track of requirements myself?

  • Yes, you do! There could be a problem or a requirement that you have overlooked, and by the time it is identified, you may not have time to correct the problem, which could then lead to a postponement of your graduation.

How will I know if there is a problem with my graduation?

  • You should review your Degree Audit. As you complete degree requirements, you should see a green “check” next to that section. If there is a section of your degree that does not look as you’d anticipated, contact your Academic Advisor.
  • Your Academic Advisor will either discover or be informed of a problem, and will contact you via email or phone.

What if I am not sure if I will meet all of my degree requirements by graduation?  Should I still apply to graduate?

  • Yes. If you there is the slightest chance you will be able to make your graduation requirements, please apply online. If it comes to pass that you need to extend your timeline, you can always cancel your application. The opposite, however, is not the case. If you miss your application deadline, but are able to meet all of your degree requirements, you will automatically have to wait until the next term to graduate.

What is the deadline to finish my incomplete (I) grade and still graduate as planned?

What is the deadline to apply online for graduation?

  • ֲý should apply online for December graduation by October 1st, and by March 1st for May or August graduation.You may find more graduation calendar information on the Registrar’s Office website.

How early can I apply to graduate?

  • The Registrar’s Office opens the application on about a year before the anticipated graduation date.

How do I check the status of my graduation application?

  • Review your application status in .A status of “Accepted” simply means that your application has been accepted and not that you have fulfilled all degree requirements.Check with your academic advisor if you are not seeing your degree post to your transcript (check the transcript calendar posting date first).

If I have applied online to graduate and then add a second degree program, do I need to do anything to graduate with my second degree program?

  • Yes. You must also apply online for graduation for each of your separate degree programs.

If I have more than one degree program, can I graduate with only one and complete the second degree program later?

  • Generally, no, you will need to apply online to graduate from both degree programs simultaneously (enter a separate online application for each degree program).

I have completed my major requirements, but not my minor requirements. Do I still graduate?

  • No, unless you drop the minor.ֲý pursuing a minor(s) in addition to their major must have both major and minor(s) requirements completed in order to be certified for graduation.Minors cannot be added after graduation.Please plan accordingly.

If I am a BAM student, when do I participate in graduation ceremonies?

  • You are allowed to participate once per degree earned.Therefore, you may participate when you have completed your bachelor’s degree requirements, and then again when you complete the master’s degree.Participation in graduation ceremonies is encouraged but not required.

What if I missed the deadline to apply for graduation?

  • You may jeopardize your ability to graduate and may have to delay your graduation until the following semester/term.ֲý are asked to apply online for December graduation by October 1st, and by March 1st for May or August graduation, which ensures they are included in all graduation-related communications and relevant college/department/program and university graduation programs.The final online application deadline is published on the Registrar’s graduation calendar.

How do I change my graduation date?

If I don’t graduate, will I automatically be rolled forward to the next graduation?

  • No, you will need to apply online for a future term/semester.

If I have completed all my graduation requirements, must I graduate?

  • No.Unless you inform your Academic Advisor and apply online to graduate through , no action will be taken and you can continue to register for course work above and beyond your degree requirements.

Can I take a Maymester course to finish my one remaining course requirement and still graduate in May?

  • No.Maymester is considered part of the Summer Session and cannot be used to graduate in May.You will need to apply for August graduation.All August graduates are automatically included in the May graduation ceremonies.

What’s the difference between the campus-wide University Commencement and college/department/program Recognition Ceremonies?

  • Commencement is the campus-wide ceremony for all graduating students (undergraduate students and graduate students) across all colleges/schools/programs on campus.Commencement includes the Chancellor's address, keynote address, and most of the traditional pomp and circumstance.
  • Individual college/department/program Recognition Ceremonies occur separately and are more personal, with each graduate walking across stage while their name is read.The College of Engineering & Applied Science celebrates a college-wide ceremony for graduating students in December.In May, all May or August graduates are invited to participate in individual department or program recognition ceremonies.You are not required to attend any of these ceremonies, but we hope you do to celebrate your accomplishments!

If I am an August graduate, when do I participate?

If I miss Commencement, when is the next opportunity to participate?

What about receptions?

  • Some departments/programs host a graduation reception, but students are not required to attend. Please contact your major for further information.

When and where do I get my cap and gown?

Do I have to wear the cap and gown academic regalia?

  • The regalia is required for the University-wide Commencement, and highly recommended for college and department/program ceremonies.

Can I participate in the College or Department/Program Recognition Ceremony when I’m not actually graduating?

  • ֲý should normally participate in the semester in which they graduate.Please keep in mind that you can only participate one time per degree received.However, students who will not satisfy graduation requirements, but wish to participate for special reasons may do so (e.g., because family members cannot attend for the actual graduation date).This should be within one semester of the student’s actual graduation date.To participate, the student should contact the college or relevant department or program for more information.

I went through the graduation ceremonies, so that means I graduated, right?

  • Not necessarily.Grades are not final until after these ceremonies, so it’s only afterwards that students are reviewed to determine who officially has completed graduation requirements.

What kinds of graduation honors are there?

  • Several types of honors at graduation are available to undergraduate students in the College of Engineering & Applied Science.

What is the Active Learning Award?

  • ֲý who enhance their education through a range of active learning experiences are eligible to earn the Active Learning Award at graduation.

What other awards are available?

  • The College of Engineering & Applied Science bestows a number of different graduating student awards.These are presented to students either at the December college-wide Recognition Ceremony, or at individual department/program ceremonies in May.

When will my degree reflect on my transcript?

  • Degrees are posted on the transcripts approximately one month AFTER the official graduation date.See also the Registrar’s Diploma FAQ.

What does it say on my transcript when I graduate?

  • The transcript will state the degree you received, any minor(s) if applicable, any honors you earned, and the date of your graduation.

How do I order an official or unofficial copy of my transcript?

  • Transcripts may be ordered through the Registrar’s Office.

When and where can I get my diploma?

  • Diplomas are mailed by the Registrar’s Office approximately 8 weeks after the end of the semester of graduation.Visit Diplomas & Certificates on the Registrar’s website.

What does it say on my diploma?

  • Shown on your diploma is your degree program and any college honors you earned.

If I pre-enrolled in classes for the next term (after graduation) and don’t plan to attend, do I need to do anything about those courses?

  • Yes, you will need to formally withdraw.

Can I take classes after I graduate?

  • Yes, if you have already pre-enrolled for the next term, you will be allowed to attend and complete those courses. You will be converted by the Registrar’s Office to a non-degree seeking student (and you should check on what tuition charges are).

What if my employer needs a letter to verify my degree?

  • If you cannot wait until the transcript is available that reflects the degree awarded, current and former students can order a degree verification from the Registrar’s Office.You may also request a letter of completion of degree requirements from your academic advisor.

Can I keep my email address?

  • Yes.The program lets you keep you email address and email account. You can choose to change the email delivery location to a different email account, if desired.