“Of Note”:  The Blog

The idea behind the launch of the “Of Note” section of English Language Notes was to provide a forum for an exchange of ideas about recent articles in a variety of disparate but inter-related fields.  Published in a number of different journals, the articles for each issue are selected based on my best guess about what may interest our readers, and they are laid out alongside a few expert scholarly responses to them.  From within a vast landscape of disciplinary journals targeting interdisciplinary concerns, “Of Note” brings otherwise unconnected voices together.

But we don’t want the conversation to end there.  So we’ve started a blog where our readers can weigh in with their own comments and critiques and ask questions of others.  If the essays or the critical responses to them spark your interest, we invite you to offer your opinion here. Your thoughts don’t have to be formal or even finished.  You can write in with just a few sentences or send us a few paragraphs or more.  But if the articles and the thought pieces that accompany them make you think, please let us know.  And enjoy! 

----Nan Goodman, Editor in Chief

Migrants as Partners

Dec. 7, 2020

Contribution by Topher Liggett Dominic Thomas’ essay “The Aesthetics of Migration, Relationality, and the Sentimography of Globality” and Nasia Anam’s “The Migrant as Colonist: Dystopia and Apocalypse in the Literature of Mass Migration” offer vastly different views of the migrant. While Thomas presents migrants as the destitute in need of...

Migration from the Perspective of “the Native”

Dec. 7, 2020

Contribution by Karim Mattar, ֲý at Boulder Among the three rich and fascinating essays on the literatures and cultures of migration by Nasia Anam, Marissia Fragkou, and Dominic Thomas under consideration here, the “nativist” perspective on these issues is most sharply represented in Anam’s, specifically in her reading...