ܳٳܰ:Foundations of Engineering Education 1(tentative ENED 5100, planned for fall 2024)

Future: Graduate Seminar in Engineering Education (tentative ENED6599, 1 cr, repeatable up to 3 cr, planned for fall 2024)

CVEN 1317 Introduction to Civil Engineering (1 credit; fall 1997-2023)
A required overview course to introduce the civil engineering profession, engineering ethics, sustainability, professional licensure and the Body of Knowledge. Team-based bridge design uses computer software and considers technical, economic, environmental, and social aspects. Guest speakers discuss careers in civil engineering.

  • SOTL Publications:
    • Bielefeldt, A.R. 2022. Work in Progress: Personalizing engineering ethics through the individual stories of engineers and people impacted. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition. 21 pp.
    • Tisdale, J., A.R. Bielefeldt, L. MacDonald, C. Salvinelli. 2022. Sustainability inclusion efforts in three unique first-year engineering courses. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition. 29 pp.
    • Bielefeldt, A. 2020. Unconscious bias in peer ratings of international students’ contributions to first-year design projects? American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition. 13 pp. DOI 10.18260/1-2—35407.
    • Bielefeldt, A.R. 2016. First-Year ֲý’ Conceptions of Sustainability as Revealed Through Concept Maps.American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings. June 26-29. New Orleans, LA. DOI: 10.18260/p.26912. 18 pp.
    • Bielefeldt, A.R. 2014. Introducing First Year Engineering ֲý to Infrastructure Sustainability Rating Systems.ASCE International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure: Creating Infrastructure for a Sustainable World. Nov. 4-6. Long Beach, CA. pp. 972-984.
    • Bielefeldt, A.R. 2011. Incorporating a Sustainability Module into First-Year Courses for Civil and Environmental Engineering ֲý. ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. 137 (2), 78-85. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000050

GEEN 1400 Engineering Projects(3 credits, fall 2020-2023)
ֲý work in teams doing hands-on engineering design project. Learn the iterative design process, teamwork and team dynamics, supporting design with testing and analysis, and technical communication.

  • SOTL Publications
    • Tisdale, J., A.R. Bielefeldt, K. Ramos, R. Komarek. 2022. Range of practices of sustainability incorporation into first-year general engineering design course. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition. 16 pp.

GEEN 3024Materials Science for Engineers(3 credits, spring2021-2024)
Examines structure, properties, processing and uses of metallic, polymeric, ceramic, and composite materials. Includes laboratory testing and open-ended project.

CVEN 4897 Professional Issues in Civil Engineering (2 credits, fall 2015-2019)
Body of Knowledge, FE preparation, engineering ethics, sustainability, professional licensure, regulations/public policy, business, and leadership.

  • SOTL Publications:
    • Bielefeldt, A.R. 2017. “Challenges of a Professional Issues Course in Civil Engineering: Comparison Across Two Years.” American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings. June 25-28. Columbus, OH. 27 pp. Nominated as best paper from Civil Engineering division (among 45 papers) and selected by PIC I (among 326 papers).
    • Bielefeldt, A.R. 2016. “Infusing Macroethical Ideas into a Senior Engineering Course.” American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings. June 26-29. New Orleans, LA. DOI:10.18260/p.25693. 15 pp.

CVEN 4474/5474 Hazardous and Industrial Waste Management (3 credits, fall 2019, spring 2018)
Focus on site remediation, including history, regulations, contaminant fate and transport, risk assessment, and remediation methods. Taught online 2013 - 2016.

  • SOTL Publications:
    • Bielefeldt, A. 2013. “Teaching a Hazardous Waste Management Course using an Inverted Classroom.” American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings. June 22-26. Atlanta, GA. Paper ID #7166. 13 pp.
    • Bielefeldt, A. 2007. “Solid And Hazardous Waste Course Targeted To The Developing World.” American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings. Environmental Division. June 25-27, Honolulu, Hawaii. Paper 2007-812. 6 pp.

CVEN 5515 Bioremediation (3 credits, spring 2018)
In-situ and ex-situ methods to biodegrade organic contaminants and transform toxic inorganics. Includes critical review of contemporary research papers, individual student projects.

CVEN 4434/5434 Envirionmental Engineering Design(4credits, spring 2019 and 2020; 1998-2013)
Capstone design course. Student teams prepare a proposal in response to an RFP, alternatives assessment, and ~20% design for a project related to environmental engineering. Projects include municipal wastewater treatment plant upgrades, municipal drinking water treatment plant upgrades, and remediation projects. The course also includes professional development around communication, teamwork, and leadership skills.

  • Project partners:
    • JVA, Inc. Leanne Miller, P.E. Crested Butte solids upgrade for wastewater treatment plant, City of Ouray municipal wastewater treatment, Crested Butte South Metro District Wastewater Treatment Plantpreliminary treatment upgrade
    • CDM Smith, Tim Rynders, P.E., drinking water and brewery wastewater treatment
    • Trihydro, Allison Riffel, P.E., site remediation
  • SOTL Publications:
    • Bielefeldt, A.R., M.M. Dewoolkar, K.M. Caves, B.W. Berdanier, and K.G. Paterson. 2011. Diverse Models for Incorporating Service Projects into Engineering Capstone Design Courses. International Journal of Engineering Education, 27(6) 1206-1220.
    • Bielefeldt, A. 2012. “Competitions for Environmental Engineering Capstone Design Projects: Student Preferences and Learning Outcomes.” American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings. San Antonio, TX. Paper AC 2012-3782. 18 pp.
    • Bielefeldt, A.R. 2005 “Challenges and Rewards of On-Campus Projects in Capstone Design.” American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings. Design in Engineering Education Division. June. Portland, OR. Session 3625
  • Student Awards:
    • 2012 & 2011AECOM Student Design Competition winners

    • 2019, 2012 & 2009 National Water Environment Federation (WEF) Student Design Competition first place winners;

    • 2013, 2012Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) University Design Competition;3 second place awards and 2 third place awards

    • 2019, 2013, 2012, 2009Rocky Mountain WaterEnvironment Assoc./AWWA Student Design competition winning teams (advanced to national finals)

    • 2019, CU Boulder Engineering Projects Expo, People's Choice Social Impact Award winner,“City of Gunnison Wastewater Treatment Plant Retrofits for Enhanced Phosphorus Removal”

Other Courses Historically Taught: Solid Waste Management(graduate-level); Introduction to Sustainability (1-cr, Sustainable By Design RAP); Introduction to Environmental Engineering (first-year; 1-credit)