Your graduate status may impact the tuition and fees charged, or the enrollment required to maintain full-time or half-time status*.Most of the different statuses are assigned automatically based on the student’s registration.The only exception is “D” status, which is assigned by the Graduate School.ֲý must have passed their comprehensive exam, and have been admitted to candidacy before this status can be changed.The status is changed for an upcoming semester.

Master's Student Status

Status What does the status mean? How is it assigned?
A Registered for coursework and/or masters thesis hours Automatic- based on registration

Registered for “candidate for degree”, course # 6940-6949

(ֲý who are required to be registered for thesis defense or master’s final exam but have no courses or thesis hours left to take, and/or students who must remain full time.A maximum of 3 hours should be taken per semester, as this registration placeholder cannot be used toward a student’s degree)

Automatic- based on registration

Doctoral Student Status

Pre-Comprehensive Exam

ٲٳܲ What does the status mean? How is it assigned?
C Registered for coursework or coursework/dissertation hour combination Automatic- based on registration
E Registered for dissertation hours only Automatic- based on registration

Post-Comprehensive Exam

Status What does the status mean? How is it assigned?
D Registered for 3 or 5+ dissertation hours as required by Graduate School Rules Changed by Grad School for semester following admission to candidacy

*For detailed information about your enrollment status (credits required for full-time, half-time, etc.) see the Office of the Registrar's website.Note that "academic load" and "financial aid load" are at times different.