
Graduate student already enrolled in a CU Boulder PhD program specified below can earn a TripleÌýPhD with Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and their home department degree. Earning such a degree can significantly enhance a student’s academic knowledge, career choices, and marketability.Ìý

ATLAS Institute;Ìý; Computer Science; Information Science;ÌýIntegrative Physiology;ÌýLinguistics;ÌýPhilosophy;ÌýPsychology and Neuroscience; School of Education;ÌýSpeech, Language,ÌýHearing Sciences. ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ enrolledÌýin graduate programsÌýfrom other departments may requestÌýapproval to participate.

Applying for Admission

Step 1

First be admitted to a CU Boulder graduate program in one
of the following departments/units:

ATLAS Institute;Ìý; Computer Science; InformationÌýScience;ÌýIntegrativeÌýPhysiology;ÌýLinguistics;ÌýPhilosophy;ÌýPsychology and Neuroscience; School of Education;ÌýSpeech, Language,ÌýHearing Sciences.

ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ enrolledÌýin graduate programsÌýfrom other departments may requestÌýapproval to participate.ÌýÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ will need to first seek permission from their degree program, then apply toÌýthe ICS program.

For more information onÌýbecoming aÌýÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ graduate student prior toÌýapplying for the ICS graduate programs, contact the aboveÌýdepartments/units directly.

Step 2

Be in good academic standing, a 3.0 GPA or higher.

Step 3 ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ contact ICSPrograms@colorado.edu with the intent to complete a Triple major Cognitive Neuroscience PhD. The ICS office will guide students through the application process.
Step 4

Apply for admission to the Cognitive Neuroscience TripleÌýPhD Program by submitting the following items to ICSPrograms@colorado.edu

Step 5

Upon receipt of the application,ÌýICS will direct students to concurrently enroll with the Center for Neuroscience in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience (P&N).

ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ do not need to be in a P&N degree program to enroll in the Center for Neuroscience.

    Step 6

    ICS will contact students to confirm acceptance to the program.

    ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ then notify their graduate program advisor and the Center for Neuroscience to confirm their intent to complete a triple major PhD with ICS.


    Program RequirementsÌý

    Cognitive Neuroscience TripleÌýPhD completion requiresÌýcourses in Core cognitive neuroscience, electiveÌýcognitive neuroscience in two categories: Depth and Related DisciplinaryÌýSpecialization, comprehensive exams if applicable, and an interdisciplinary thesis.

    The Triple PhD includes a focused set of courses from the neuroscience program in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience to meet the specific needs of a cognitive neuroscientist.

    Required Course Credit Hours

    • A total of 28 to 34 credit hours (credits)Ìýto include:
      • 11 to 14 credits of Core Cognitive Neuroscience courses
      • 6 to 9 credits of Depth courses
      • 11+ credits of Related Discipline Specialization courses
      • 30 credits of dissertation research

    *More courses may be required for students pursuing topics outside of the cognitive neuroscience track (core discipline outside of neuroscience) orÌýtaking additional core/depth courses.

    Course plans and progress are recorded on theÌýTriple PhD Plan of Study /ÌýProgress Report /Completion Form

    Required Core Courses - 11 to 14 credits

    • Issues and Methods in Cognitive Science (3 credits)Ìý
      • ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ should complete this course by the end of the second year of their program. By completing this course, students become eligible to apply for travel grants.
    • Topics in Cognitive Science (1 credit), taken twice (2 semesters)
    • Research Applications Seminar (formerly Cognitive Science Practicum) (2 credits)Ìý
      • This course should be taken as you prepare your dissertation topic proposal or equivalent.
    • Survey and Integration of Neuroscience I (NRSC 5100 -Ìý2 credits for advanced students, 5 credits for students without advanced preparation)
    • Survey and Integration of Neuroscience II (NRSC 5110 - 3 credits)
    Both Depth and Specialization elective courses are chosen from the Triple PhD Approved Course Lists.
  • ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ work with their advisors to determine the knowledge and skills needed to reach research goals.
  • Course offerings and availability can change.
    • It is the students' responsibility to investigate the accuracy of what, which, and when courses are being offered.
  • Be aware that one-of-a-kind Seminars not listed, may be needed to complete the Program.
  • Some of the courses from the ICS Course Catalog may be appropriate as an elective. Check with ICSPrograms@colorado.edu to confirm taking a course from this catalog before registering.ÌýÌý
  • Required Depth Elective Courses - 6 to 9 credits

    • Pick from Course List
    • ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ work with their graduate advisor to select courses

    RequiredÌýCognitive Neuroscience Related Disciplinary Specialization Elective Courses - 11+ credits

    • Pick fromÌýCourse List
    • ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ work with their graduate advisor to select courses
    • ÌýThis list may be incomplete for your specialization - seek input from your advisorÌý

    *Independent Study: if a student needs to replace one required course to satisfy program requirements due to unavoidable scheduling issues,complete and submit the Independent Study Approval Form to ICSPrograms@colorado.edu.

    Following Graduate School requirements, most students take and pass a comprehensive exam to advance to doctoralÌýcandidacy status.

    • Successful completion (grade of B- or better) of the Survey andÌýIntegration of Neuroscience I and II courses fulfills the NeuroscienceÌýcomponentÌýof the comprehensive exam.
    • ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ must also pass a comprehensiveÌýexam in their area of specialization.
      • The format of thisÌýspecialty comprehensiveÌýexam will be determined by the student's advisor and will be appropriate for theÌýadvisor's department/program of affiliation, but must also be interdisciplinary inÌýnature to fulfill the Cognitive Science component of the comprehensive exam.

    All Cognitive Neuroscience Triple PhD students complete a doctoralÌýthesis/dissertationÌýwith a primary Cognitive Neuroscience focus.

    • The original contributions of the dissertation research will represent state-of-the-art multidisciplinary research of quality suitable for publication in a reputable scientific journal.
    • The student'sÌýthesis advisor must be a participating Cognitive Neuroscience faculty member.
    • The student's thesis committee must be comprised of a minimum of five faculty members with graduate faculty appointments.
      • The committee is formed by the student'sÌýadvisor
      • The committee is then approved by Academic Director of ICS
    • ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ are encouraged to have their doctoral research co-supervised by two faculty members representing different disciplines.
    • At least one supervisor will be an ICS faculty fellow.
    • The doctoral committee will include at least two ICS faculty fellows from outside the home department.
    • In accordance with the rules of the graduate school, students must take at least 30 hours of dissertation research.

    Program Completion

    Step 1 Complete all required courses with a minimum grade of B.
    Step 2

    Submit the following toÌýICSPrograms@colorado.edu toÌýconfirm whether all required courses have been completed.

    Step 3 If required, pass the Comprehensive Exam in your degree department.
    Step 4 Notify ICSPrograms@colorado.edu with the expected graduation date.
    Step 5

    ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ must have their dissertation committee sign the ICS PhD Dissertation Committee Report form AT THEIR DEFENSE, not before. For virtual defenses, the form can be DocuSigned afterward.

    • This form is in addition to your department sign-off form
    Step 6

    Submit the following toÌýICSPrograms@colorado.edu.

    • Signed ICS Dissertation Committee form
    • Unofficial Transcript that shows Dissertation Hours
    Step 7 The Academic Program Director will review the transcript, Plan of Study / Progress Report Form, ICS Dissertation Committee Form signatures and to confirm that requirements were met. Once approved, ICS will contact the Graduate School, and the student's home and other degree departments. The Triple PhD is acknowledged on the diploma.

    For more information onÌýbecoming aÌýÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ graduate student prior toÌýapplying for the ICS graduate programs, contact the following departments/units directly:
    Ìý Ìý Ìý
    Ìý Ìý ÌýComputer Science
    Ìý Ìý ÌýInformation Science
    Ìý Ìý ÌýIntegrative Physiology
    Ìý Ìý ÌýLinguistics
    Ìý Ìý ÌýPhilosophy
    Ìý Ìý ÌýPsychology and Neuroscience
    Ìý Ìý ÌýSchool of Education
    Ìý Ìý ÌýSpeech, Language,ÌýHearing Sciences
    ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ enrolledÌýin graduate programsÌýfrom other departments may requestÌýapprovalÌýtoÌýparticipate.

    For more information on the cognitive science courses contact:
    Institute of Cognitive Science