Patty Limerick News + Events


Dear Friends, Affiliates, and Supporters of CU’s Applied History Initiative:You have some very good times in your future!

Talented young historians with compelling and consequential research findings have been visiting Boulder to take part in “Academic Skills Repurposing Workshops.” These workshops are a key feature of our project in Applied History, supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

As you know from your own experiences, we always assemble a welcoming and thoughtful “test audience” to listen attentively to the presentations of these emerging scholars, and to offer on-the-spot guidance on how to add to the persuasiveness, charm, and force of those talks. We know this about all the recipients of this message: by temperament, character, and principle, you are ideal as members of these audiences.

With this message, we welcome your participation.

See you soon and often,

Patty Limerick

Valerie Albicker

Zach Guiliano

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