Photo of Shaily Rahman
Assistant Professor
• Isotope biogeochemistry • Chemical oceanography • Global geochemical cycles
Geological Sciences

News about Shaily

I’m a biogeochemist and chemical oceanographer. I work on land, coastal, and open ocean systems like the Greenland Ice Sheet, Iceland, Amazon Delta, Mississippi Delta, French Guiana mobile muds, Gulf of Papua, North Atlantic and East Pacific. I like to develop and use non-traditional proxies to investigate biogeochemical cycles.

Seeking students

I am looking for well-qualified, enthusiastic students to join my research group, Surface Earth and Environmental Processes (SEEP). Lab experience is welcomed but not required. If you have an interest in global biogeochemical cycles, marine and coastal processes, nutrient cycling, submarine groundwater discharge, or contaminant fate and transport, please contact me. I also work with TEIs (trace elements and isotopes) if that is of interest.

Undergraduates interested in research experience or potential senior projects should contact me.

Prospective graduate students should take a look at my current publications to see if our interests align. Feel free to contact me before applying to the department to talk about potential research projects and funding opportunities.


  • PhD (School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences): Stony Brook University
  • MS (Earth and Planetary Sciences): McGill University
  • BS (Chemistry): McGill University

Courses taught

  • GEOL 1010: Exploring Earth
  • GEOL 4380: Stable Isotope Geochemistry


from a research cruise in the Gulf of Mexico in summer 2022. We investigated extreme disturbances to the sedimentary silica cycle, specifically Hurricane Ida. Our group took samples from the Mississippi Delta seafloor and in the Mississippi River from the research vessel Pelican.

