Check out what's happening in the lab

mountain chickadee chick in the hand

The 2024 summer field season comes to a close

Last week marked the final nestling banding of the 2024 Boulder Chickadee Study field season... Read more
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Olivia publishes her honors thesis in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology!

Congratulations to Olivia and her co-authors Kathryn, Angela, Harriet Leeson and Carrie Branch for publishing... Read more
photos from the field

2024 field season updates!

The 2024 field season has been a busy one - here are some updates from... Read more

Sheela is a double Early Career award winner!

Congrats to Taylor Lab alum Dr. Sheela Turbek who just received TWO early career awards!... Read more
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Georgy publishes in Current Biology!

Georgy's most recent work on the genetics of variation in spatial cognition in food-caching chickadees... Read more
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Additional research grants for Nikki and Will!

The good news keeps coming! Nikki (Documenting responses to experimental and natural nest intrusions in... Read more

 If you are interested supporting our research by making a tax-deductible donation through the ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ Foundation. 

Watch Scott's TEDxBoulder talk below.