Colorado Law integrates public service and public interest law through the school. Public service is an integral part of a lawyer’s professional obligation and an essential ingredient in a legal career.

By signing the Colorado Law Public Service Pledge, students commit to at least 50 hours of law-related public service work, not for credit or other compensation, during their time at the Law School. ֲý who fulfill their pledge will be recognized at graduation, and their public service will be reflected on their transcripts. The graduating 3L who earned and loggedthe most public service hours will be recognized at the Student Awards Banquet and will have their name added to a plaque.

Pledge Guidelines

  • When to Sign: We encourage students to signthe Pledge during 1L Orientation, but students can sign the Pledge anytime during law school.
  • Qualifying Work: To count toward the Pledge, work must be:
    • Completed by a current, enrolled Colorado Law student
    • Uncompensated and uncredited
    • Supervised andlaw-related
    • This list is not exhaustive. If you have questions about whether your hours qualifytowards the Public Service Pledge, please email:
  • Examples of Qualifying work include:
    • Volunteer hours for Colorado Law projects, including:, Maya Leaders Alliance Project, Korey Wise Innocence Project, and projects throughstudent organizations.
    • Volunteer hours fornonprofit organizations, public interest law firms, local government agencies, public defenders, legal services offices, private firms with pro bono projects.
  • Deadline to Log Hours: ֲý report hours through Graduating3L studentsmust submit hours by April 1 (11:59 p.m. MST) for recognition on theirtranscripts andat graduation.3L December graduatesmust submit theirhours by November 15 (11:59 p.m. MST)for recognition on theirtranscripts andat graduation.We encourage students to log public service hours as they are earned throughout their law school career.

Instructions for Logging Your Public Service Hours

  1. Login to
  2. Once logged into youraccount, select "Experiential Learning" from the left-hand menu
  3. On the Experiential Learning page, select "+ New Experience" inthe top right corner
  4. Complete the fields!
    1. For "Experiential Learning Type" select "Public Service Pledge Hours"
    2. The dates for your service project can be approximate
    3. When it asks you what year in school you were (1L, 2L, 1L -2L), choose 1L, 2L or 3L if your project took place during the Fall or Spring semester of your 1L, 2L, or 3L year.
    4. The "1L-2L" and"2L-3L"optionshould be selected if you completed a project in the summer between two years (i.e, the summer between your 1L and 2L year).
  5. Select "Save"
  6. Select "Submit" to change the status from "Draft" to "In Progress"(you won't be able to log any hours until you press "Submit" this first time)
    1. If you don't see an option to add hours after submitting andchanging the status to "In Progress," try refreshing your browser or backing out of the Experience and reopening it.
  7. Select "Submit" againif you are finished adding hours to that experienceto change the status from "In Progress" to "Complete." You will no longer be able to add new hours to that experience.
  8. If you want to continue adding hours to that exprience, only press "submit" once and that will leave the experienceas "in progress."

As in all activities, students undertaking the Public Service Pledge are subject to the Honor Code.

Frequently Asked Questions for Currentֲý

Will students be disqualified from counting their public service hours if they didnot first sign the Pledge?

ֲý are strongly encouraged to sign the Pledge at Orientation. However, students can do so at any point during their law school career and have the hours count towards the Public Service Pledge as long as the hours are logged by the deadline.

If students are required to do trainings before beginning their volunteer work, dothe training hours count towards the Public Service Pledge hours?

Yes, as long as the trainings are to prepare students for the law-related pro bono work.

If a student has already completed the 50 hours to receive the Public ServicePledge Award, is there any reason to keep reporting public service legal hoursabove and beyond the 50 hours?

Yes! The 50 hours is a suggested minimum number of hours, but students are recognizedfor the total number of public service hours at the Student Awards Banquet andon their transcript. The student in the graduating class who earns the most hours will have his/her/their name engraved on a plaque at Colorado Lawl.The Law School has the opportunity to report students’ hoursnationally to the American Bar Association (ABA) and to other surveys as a way of showing ColoradoLaw’s commitmentto pro bono. The Law School will be able to more accurately report its numbers ifstudents report their hours accurately. Furthermore, employers look favorably upon students who complete public service hours.

Does work that students do as volunteer legal interns and externs over the summer counttowards their Public Service Pledge hours?

Absolutely! The summer is a great time to do volunteer legal work. As long as studentsare not being compensated or receiving academic credit, fellowships, scholarships,stipends, or vouchers for their summer work, the hours may be counted.However, if you completed hoursabove and beyond the hours for which you received academic credit or other compensation, then you maycount the additional hours. For example, if a student works for the public defendersoffice as an extern and receives 3 academic credits (working a total of 150 hours), butactually works 200 total hours, this student may count 50 hours towards their PublicService Pledge hours.

Can students do their public service legal work out-of-state or abroad?


Can clinic hours be used towards Public Service Pledge hours?

No. Since students are already receiving academic credit for their work, and there is noway to quantify the exact number of clinical hours done, we do not allow students tocount any of their clinic hours towards the Public Service Pledge program.

Can extra externshiphourscounttowards the Public Service Pledge?

Yes! Any hours you work during your externshipabove what was required for your creditscan count towards the Public Service Pledge. For example, if you enrolled in 2 credits,requiring 100 hours of work, andworked a total of 110 hours, you can apply10 hours towards the pledge.

Do voluntary hours completed for “for-profit” companies count towards thepledge?

No, hours completed for a for-profit company will not count towards the pledge programeven if you worked without compensation. Only legally related hours in the publicservice or public interest field will count towards the pledge program.