What is Digital Scholarship?

Digital Scholarship extends traditional methods of research by leveraging new technologies and digital dataÌýto advance research and enhance pedagogy. While it is most commonly associated with Digital Humanities, Computational Social Science,Ìýand Data Science, Digital Scholarship is applicable to all disciplines, and it often relies on interdisciplinary collaborations. Examples of Digital Scholarship include:

  • Text and data mining : apply computational and statistical methods to macroscopically explore large texts and data
  • Social network analysis : uncover relationships and interactions between people, places, texts, etc
  • Geospatial analysis : create data-driven maps
  • Data visualization : analyze and display patterns, correlations, and other findings in meaningful ways
  • Digital exhibits : build collections of images, texts, and sound to tell engaging stories
  • Digital project management : get help designing and organizing your digital project to ensure scalability and sustainability

How do we support Digital Scholarship?

If you’re interested in incorporating digital research methods and tools into your research and teaching, we can offer expertise through:

  • One-on-one research consultations
  • Workshops to learn new methods and digital research tools
  • Seminars and speaker series, such as the Digital Scholarship Brown Bags and partnering with the Exploring Digital Humanities series
  • Project development, collaboration, and management
  • Teaching and guest speaking in courses

Examples of workshops and topics

  • Getting Started with Digital Humanities
  • Text mining with Voyant, AntConc, MALLET, Python, and R
  • Social Network Analysis with Cytoscape and Gephi
  • Geospatial analysis with ArcGIS andÌýQGIS
  • Digital Storytelling with Omeka, Scalar, and Esri StoryMaps
  • Qualitative Data Analysis with Dedoose and NVivo
  • 3D modeling with SketchUp
  • Podcasting as Public Scholarship
  • Digital Research Workflows with Zotero and Tropy
  • Cleaning data with OpenRefine andÌýRegEx

Learn More

To learn more about Digital Scholarship and Digital Humanities, or toÌýrequest specific trainings, contact Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara or visit the .Ìý