Nomita Chhabildas,Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Laura Hink,Department of Psychology and Neuroscience​
Erik Willcutt,Department of Psychology and Neuroscience​

Kaushik Jayaram,Department of Mechanical Engineering
Alexandra Rose,Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Colorado Shakespeare Festival in the Schools (Shakespeare and Violence Prevention)​
Beverly Kingston,Center for the Study & Prevention of Violence (CSPV)
Kevin Rich,Department of Theatre & Dance
Tamarra Meneghini,Department of Theatre & Dance

Tim Seastedt,Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
Holly Barnard,Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
Katherine Lininger,Department of Geography

Andrea Dyrness,Program in Education Foundations, Policy and Practice
Deborah Palmer,Program in Education Foundations, Policy and Practice
Enrique Sepulveda,Department of Ethnic Studies

William Taylor,CU Boulder Museum of Natural History
Jinchun Li,Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Carl Simpson,Department of Geological Sciences

InsideU: Emotions and Disney/Pixar's Inside Out at Boys and Girls Clubs​
Sam Hubley,Renée Crown Wellness Institute
Tara Knight,Department of Critical Media Practices

Sherri Tennant,Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (SLHS)
Christine Brennan,Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (SLHS)

Adrian Carper,Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology​
Rebecca Dickson,Program for Writing and Rhetoric

Susan Thomas,American Music Research Center
Austin Okigbo,Department of Musicology

The RAP Lab: Hip-Hop Arts Programming with Denver High School Youth of Color
Kalonji Nzinga,Program in Learning Sciences & Human Development
Shawn O'Neal,Department of Ethnic Studies

SCENIC 2023: Southwestern Colorado Expansion and Multilingual Support​
Daniel Knight,Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mike Hannigan,Department of Mechanical Engineering
Joseph Polman,Program in Learning Sciences and Human Development

Strengthening BUENO Center Support for Congress ofHispanic Educators Oversight and Advocacy
Kim Strong,The BUENO Center for Multicultural Education​
Kevin Welner,Program in Educational Foundations, Policy, and Practice

Donna Mejia,Chancellor's Scholar in Residence and Associate Professor,Department of Theatre & Dance
Ashley Potvin, Collaborator and Research Associate, Compassion and Dignity for Educators,Renée Crown Wellness Institute

Ricarose Roque,Department of Information Science
Laura Devendorf, Assistant Professor,Department of Information Science, ATLAS

SCENIC: Science-Engineering Inquiry Collaborative In Rural Colorado​
Daniel Knight,Department of Mechanical Engineering,Program in Learning Sciences and Human Development
Mike Hannigan,Departmant of Mechanical Engineering,Program in Learning Sciences and Human Development

Andrea Dyrness,Associate Professor,Program in Education Foundations, Policy and Practice
Deborah Palmer,Program in Education Foundations, Policy and Practice
Enrique Sepulveda,Department of Ethnic Studies

Tim Seastedt,Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
Sharon Collinge,Environmental Studies Program
Katherine Lininger,Department of Geography

Ütz Awäch Tz’ikin: An Art-Science Exploration of Interspecies Friendship for Maya Youth​
Beth Osnes,Department of Theatre & Dance
Rebecca Safran,EBIO

Researcher-Practitioner Collaborations for Community Wildfire Risk Reduction in Colorado​
Hannah Brenkert Smith,Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS)
Julia Goolsby,Behavioral Science

A Collaborative Project at the Texas-Tamaulipas Border
Bernard Amadei, Distinguished Professor,Department of Civil, Environmental, & Architectural Engineering
Christina Sue, Associate Professor,Department of Sociology
David Cook-Martín, Professor,Department of Sociology

Soundscapes of the People
Susan Thomas, Professor,College of Music, Director,American Music Research Center
Austin Okigbo, Associate Professor, Chair,Department of Musicology
Arturo Aldama, Associate Professor, Chair,Department of Ethnic Studies
Natalie Mendoza Gutierrez, Assistant Professor,Department of History
Patty Limerick, Professor, Director,Center of the American West
Jason Romero, Director,Latino History Project
Xochitl Chavez, Assistant Professor,Department of Ethnomusicology, University of California, Riverside

Eliana Colunga, Associate Professor
Lei Yuan, Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology & Neuroscience

CU Restoration Ecology Experiential Learning Program
Timothy Seastedt, Professor Emeritus and Senior Fellow,Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
Sharon Collinge, Professor,Environmental Studies Program
Katherine Lininger, Assistant Professor,Department of Geography
Tracy Halward, Instructor,Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Kristin Lopez, Academic Services Associate Director,Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

Carolyn Crow, Assistant Professor,Department of Geological Sciences
Paul Hayne, Assistant Professor,Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences
John Keller, Senior Instructor, Planetarium Director,Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences

Empowering Economically Disadvantaged Adolescents with Complex Communication Needs
Sherri Tennant, Clinical Scholar in Residence
Christine Brennan, Assistant Professor, Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

Jingchun Li, Assistant Professor,Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Curator of Invertebrates,Museum and Field Studies Program
Mike Gil, Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow,Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
John Keller, Senior Instructor, Planetarium Director,Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences
Carl Simpson, Assistant Professor,Department of Geological Sciences, Curator of Invertebrate Paleontology,CU Museum of Natural History
Gianna Sullivan, Science Program Coordinator,CU Museum of Natural History

Anne Gold, Director of CIRES Education & Outreach,Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Melissa Braaten, Assistant Professor,School of Education
Kerri Wingert, Research Associate,Institute of Cognitive Science
Jonathan Griffith, Education & Outreach Associate,Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

SCENIC Expansion: Developing Outreach Pathways in Rural Colorado
Daniel Knight, Research Associate,Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mike Hannigan, Professor, Chair,Department of Mechanical Engineering
Joseph Polman, Professor, Associate Dean for Research,Program in Learning Sciences and Human Development
Greg Whiting, Associate Professor,Department of Mechanical Engineering

Shakespeare & Violence Prevention in Schools
Beverly Kingston, Senior Research Associate, Director,Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
Kevin Rich, Associate Professor, Associate Chair,Department of Theatre & Dance
Tamara Meneghini, Associate Professor,Department of Theatre & Dance
Amanda Giguere, Director of Outreach,Colorado Shakespeare Festival
Heidi Schmidt, Outreach Specialist,Colorado Shakespeare Festival
Laurie Keith, Research Assistant,Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence

Andrea Dyrness, Associate Professor,School of Education
Deborah Palmer, Professor,School of Education
Enrique Sepúlveda, Assistant Professor,Department of Ethnic Studies

CU Restoration Ecology Experiential Learning Program
Professor Tim Seastedt,Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
Professor Sharon Collinge,Department of Environmental Studies
Instructor Tracy Halward,Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Academic Services Associate Director Kristin Lopez,Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

Empowering Economically Disadvantaged Adolescents with Complex Communication Needs
Clinic Faculty Member Sherri Tennant and Assistant Professor Christine Brennan
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

Expanding Awareness of Colorado’s Latinx History and Culture
Distinguished Professor Emerita Marjorie McIntosh,Department of History
Associate Professor Arturo Aldama,Department of Ethnic Studies
Senior Instructor Kent Willmann,School of Education
Director Jason Ramero and Advisory Council Member Linda Arroyo-Holmstrom,Latino History Project

Indigenous Connections at Rocky Mountain National Park
Professor Patricia Limerick and Research Associate Brooke Neely,Center of the American West
Associate Professor Clint Carroll, Assistant Professor Angelica Lawson and Doctoral Student Natasha Myhal,Department of Ethnic Studies and Center for Native American and Indigenous Studies
Professor Andrew Cowell,Linguistics and Center for Native American and Indigenous Studies

Lyripeutic Storytelling Project: Urban Youth Learning Initiative
Assistant Professor Kalonji Nzigna,School of Education
Associate Professor Arturo Aldama and Doctoral Student Shawn O’Neal,Department of Ethnic Studies

Pesticide Exposures in Agricultural Workers and their Families
Professor Shelly Miller,Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Associate Lupita Montoya,Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

Rural District Partnerships for Post-Pandemic Planning
Professor Valerie Otero,School of Education
Professor Angela Bielefeldt,Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Director of Curriculum and Assessment Shelly Belleau, Director of Professional Learning Emily Quinty and Director of District Partnerships Jonathan Mann,School of Education

Director Beverly Kingston and Research Assistant Laurie Keith,Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
Associate Professor Kevin Rich and Associate Professor Tamara Meneghini,Department of Theatre & Dance
Outreach Director Amanda Giguere and Outreach Coordinator Heidi Schmidt,Colorado Shakespeare Festival

Associate Professor Andrea Dyrness and Professor Deborah Palmer,School of Education
Assistant Professor Enrique Sepúlveda,Department of Ethnic Studies

Senior Research Associate Daniel Knight, Professor Michael Hannigan and Associate Professor Greg Whiting,Department of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Dean and Professor Joseph Polman, School of Education

Boulder Affordable Housing Research Initiative
Associate Professor Jennifer Fluri,Department of Geography
Associate Director Abby Hickcox,College of Arts & Sciences Honors Program
Program Director Sabrina Sideris,INVSTProgram, CU Engage

Distinguished Professor Emerita Marjorie McIntosh,Department of History
Senior Instructor Kent Willmann and Lecturer Flora Sanchez,School of Education
Associate Professor Arturo Aldama,Department of Ethnic Studies

Associate Professor Eliana Colunga,Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Assistant Professor Ricarose Roque,Department of Information Science (CMCI)
Director Stacey Forsyth,CU Science Discovery

Associate Professor Beth Osnes,Department of Theatre & Dance
Assistant Professor Carl Simpson,CU Museum of Natural HistoryandDepartment of Geological Sciences
Senior Educator Jim Hakala,CU Museum of Natural History
Doctoral Candidate Patrick Chandler,Department of Environmental Studies

Assistant Professor Megan K. Friedel, Assistant Professor Adam Lisbon, Archivist David Hays, Communications Program Manager Michael Riberdy and Digital Imaging Technologist Adrienne Wagner,University Libraries

Senior Professional Research Associate Daniel Knight and Professor Michael Hannigan,Department of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Dean Joseph Polman,School of Education

Professor Patricia Limerick and Research Associate Brooke Neely,Center of the American West
Associate Professor Clint Carroll and Assistant Professor Angelica Lawson,Department of Ethnic StudiesandCenter for Native American and Indigenous Studies
Professor Andrew Cowell,LinguisticsandCenter for Native American and Indigenous Studies

Professor Erin Marie Furtak, Assistant Professor Melissa Braaten and Doctoral Candidate Caitlin Fine,School of Education

Professor Katharine Suding,Department of Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyandInstitute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
Professor Suzanne Anderson and Associate Professor Noah Molotch,Department of Geological SciencesandINSTAAR
Education and Outreach Coordinator Alexandra Rose,Niwot Ridge Long-Term Ecological Research Program
Professional Research Assistant Eric Parrish,INSTAAR
Associate Director Sabre Duren,Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Program, INSTAAR

Senior Research Associate Beverly Kingston and Research Assistant Laurie Keith,Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
Associate Professor Kevin Rich and Associate Professor Tamara Meneghini,Department of Theatre & Dance
Outreach Director Amanda Giguere and Outreach Coordinator Heidi Schmidt,Colorado Shakespeare Festival

Out-of-Cycle Award

Sustainable development in Brazil’s forests: education and exchange
Assistant Professor Peter Newton,Environmental Studies Program
Associate Research Professor Colleen Scanlan Lyons,Environmental Studies Program
Distinguished Professor Bernard Amadei,Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

Program Assessment and Research AssociateDaniel Knight and Associate Professor Michael Hannigan,Department of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Dean Joseph Polman,School of Education

Building Post-Disaster Resilience: ICT-Enabled Mental Health Support Service
Professor Bernard Amadei,Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Instructor Annie Bruns,ATLAS Institute

Associate Professor Eliana Colunga,Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Assistant Professor Ricarose Roque,College of Media, Communication and Information
Director Stacey Forsyth,CU Science Discovery

Senior Instructor and Program Director Karen Ramirez,CU Dialogues
Professor Michele S. Moses,School of Education
Community Partnerships Director Manuela Sifuentes,CU Engage
Research Associate Ashmi Desai and Assistant Director for Coordination and Outreach Pilar Prostko,CU Dialogues

Professor Shivakant Mishra,Department of Computer Science
Professor Shelly Miller,Department of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Engineering Program

Distinguished Professor Emerita Marjorie McIntosh,Department of History
Senior Instructor Kent Willmann,School of Education
Associate Professor Arturo Aldama,Department of Ethnic Studies

Professor Patricia Limerick and Research Associate Brooke Neely,Center of the American West
Assistant Professor Angelica Lawson,Center for Native American and Indigenous Studies
Assistant Professor Clint Carroll,Department of Ethnic Studies and Center for Native American and Indigenous Studies
Professor Andrew Cowell,Linguistics and Center for Native American and Indigenous Studies

Assistant Professor Tom Yeh,Department of Computer Science
Associate Professor Bridget Dalton,School of Education
Director Stacey Forsyth,CU Science Discovery

Partnership for Action-Oriented Climate Change Education
Associate Professor A. Susan Jurow,School of Education
Director of Education and Outreach Anne Gold,Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
Instructor Jeffrey Writer,School of Education and Environmental Engineering Program
Associate Professor Erin Furtak,School of Education

Professor Bernard Amadei,Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Dean S. James Anaya,Colorado Law
Assistant Professor Peter Newton,Environmental Studies Program

Reconnecting the Public to Solar Physics through Magnetism
Director John Keller,Fiske Planetarium and Senior Instructor, Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences (APS)
Assistant Professor Adam Kowalski,Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences (APS) and National Solar Observatory (NSO)
Lecturer Wayne Seltzer,ATLAS Institute / College of Engineering and Applied Science
Education and Public Outreach Specialist Bryan Costanza,Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)

Senior Research Associate Beverly Kingston and Research Assistant Laurie Keith,Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
Assistant Professor Kevin Rich and Associate Professor Tamara Meneghini,Department of Theatre & Dance
Outreach Director Amanda Giguere and Outreach Coordinator Heidi Schmidt,Colorado Shakespeare Festival

Boulder Affordable Housing Research Initiative
Associate Professor Jennifer Fluri, Department of Geography
Instructor Abby Hickcox, Honors Program

Building Capacity for Youth Organizing Through Data Use
Professor Ben Kirshner and Research Associate Siomara Valladares, School of Education
Assistant Professor Ben Shapiro, Alliance for Technology, Learning and Society (ATLAS) and Department of Computer Science

Community Dialogues about “Opting Out” of State Assessments
Assistant Professor Terri S. Wilson, Professor Michele Moses, Instructor Karen Ramirez, School of Education

Associate Professor Eliana Colunga, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Assistant Professor Ricarose Roque, College of Media, Communication and Information
Director Stacey Forsyth, CU Science Discovery

Assistant Professor Tom Yeh, Department of Computer Science
Associate Professor Bridget Dalton, School of Education
Director Stacey Forsyth, CU Science Discovery

Instructor Kent Willmann, School of Education
Distinguished Professor Emerita Marjorie McIntosh, Department of History
Associate Professor Arturo Aldama, Department of Ethnic Studies
Professor Marcia Yonemoto, Department of History

Associate Professor A. Susan Jurow, School of Education
Assistant Professor Ben Shapiro, Alliance for Technology, Learning and Society
(ATLAS) and Department of Computer Science

Senior Research Associate Beverly Kingston and Research Assistant Laurie Keith,
Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
Assistant Professor Kevin Rich and AssociateProfessor Tamara Meneghini,
Department of Theatre & Dance
Outreach Director Amanda Giguere and Managing Director Wendy Franz,
Colorado Shakespeare Festival

College of Arts and Sciences

Astronomy and Physics Engagement with Boulder's Hispanic/Latinx Community
Marialis Rosario Franco, Assistant Teaching Professor
Department of Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences

Brain Behavior Clinic and Boulder County Homelessness
Emily D. Richardson, Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

James F. Walker, Teaching Assistant Professor
Undergraduate Enrichment Programs

Grand Gatheringof the Chocolate Circle
Nii Armah Sowah, Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Theatre & Dance

LEAP: Learning in Partnership
Michelle Ellsworth, Distinguished Professor
Department of Theatre & Dance

Literacy Practicum
Kira Hall, Distinguished Professor
Department of Linguistics

Teaching Elementary School Natural Sciences through Asian Picture Books​
Lynn Kalinauskas, Director
Center for Asian Studies

School of Education

CU Children’s Book Festival 2023
Adam Crawley, Assistant Teaching Professor
Program in Literacy Studies

Mentor Advisory Boards: Bridging the Gaps in our Teacher Licensure Programs
Karla Scornavacco, Director
Field Experiences

Cuba Independent School District and CU Boulder Summer Research Institute
Vandna Sinha, Associate Research Professor
Program in Learning Sciences & Human Development

Graduate School

Colombian Displaced Communities: Planning and Urban Design Seminar
Jota Samper, Assistant Professor
Program in Environmental Design

Community-Led Design of Resilient Infrastructures
Valeria Henao Cano, Teaching Assistant Professor
Program in Environmental Design

College of Engineering

Crossing the Divide – Dialogue and Mentorship on Upper Colorado River Basin Water Issues
Joel Sholtes, Assistant Teaching Professor
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

Colorado Law

Suzette Malveaux, Professor
Byron R. White Center for the Study of American Constitutional Law

Gregor MacGregor, Teaching Assistant Professor
Department of Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Law

College of Music

David Rickels, Associate Professor
Department of Music Education

College of Arts and Sciences

Nomita Chhabildas, Research Associate
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Brain Behavior Clinic and Boulder County Homelessness
Emily D. Richardson,Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Helanius Wilkins, Assistant Professor
Department of Theatre & Dance

Critical Conversations Project: Playback Theatre in Rural Colorado
James F. Walker, Norlin Scholar
Department of Theatre & Dance

School of Education

Melissa Braaten, Assistant Professor
Program in STEM Education

2022CU Children’s Book Festival
Bridget Dalton, Associate Professor
Program in Literacy Studies

Emily Gleason, Faculty Director
Program in Literacy Studies

Elizabeth Dutro,Interim Associate Dean of Faculty
Program inLiteracy Studies

Literacy Practicum
Kira Hall, Professor
Department of Linguistics

Putting Policyinto Practice: Collaborating with Educators toward Implementation​
Bethany Leonardi, Principal Investigator
A Queer Endeavor

Graduate School

Colombian Displaced Communities: Planning and Urban Design Seminar
Jota Samper
Program in Environmental Design

College of Engineering

Annie Margaret, Teaching Assistant Professor
Technology, Arts and Media (TAM) Program

A Teacher-Scientist-Artist Network to Support Elementary Science Education​
Emma Antonio
Materials Science and Engineering

Colorado Law

Suzette Malveaux
Byron R. White Center for the Study of American Constitutional Law

College of Music

Middle School Ensembles Program
David Rickels, Associate Professor of Music Education
Department of Music Education

Research Institutes

Girls at the Museum Exploring Science (GAMES)
Jingchun Li
EBIO & CU Museum

College of Arts and Sciences

Attention, Behavior, and Learning Clinic: Affordable Childhood Evaluations
Nomita Chhabildas, Research Associate
Erik Willcutt, Professor
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Brain Behavior Clinic and Boulder County Homelessness
Emily D. Richardson, Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Helanius Wilkins, Assistant Professor
Ondine Geary, Production, Outreach & Engagement Liaison
Department of Theatre & Dance

Literacy Practicum
Kira Hall, Professor,Department of Linguistics
Raichle Farrelly, Senior Instructor,Department of Linguistics, Program Director,TESOL

School of Education

2021 CU Children’s Book Festival
Bridget Dalton, Associate Professor,Program in Literacy Studies
Jacalyn Colt, Chair,Development Advisory Board

Enrique Lopez, Associate Professor Program in STEM Education
CU Engage

Public Achievement: Building Equity with First-Generation Immigrant Youth
Roudy Hildreth, Instructor, Executive Director
Soraya Latiff, Assistant Director
Charla Agnoletti, Program Director
CU Engage, Public Achievement

Graduate School

Colombia Infrastructure: Upgrading for Displaced Communities
Jota Samper, Assistant Professor
Program in Environmental Design

Colorado Law

Suzette Malveaux, Provost Professor, Director,Byron R. White Center for the Study of American Constitutional Law
Colene Robinson, Clinical Professor, Co-director,Juvenile and Family Law Program
Matthew Cushing, Director,Executive and Community Learning Programs
Jennifer Sullivan, Senior Assistant Dean,Program Development

Sarah Krakoff, Moses Lasky Professor

College of Music

Jeffrey Nytch, Associate Professor, Director
Entrepreneurship Center for Music

Emerging Composer Project (ECP) for area High Schools
Carter Pann, Associate Professor
Department of Music Composition

Research Institutes

Shaz Zamore, Instructor
ATLAS Institute

Expanding Representation and Access: Colorado Archaeology in Classrooms
Samantha Fladd, Assistant Professor,Department of Anthropology, Curator,CU Museum of Natural History
William Taylor, Assistant Professor,Department of Anthropology,CU Museum of Natural History
James Hakala, Senior Educator,CU Museum of Natural History
Patrick Cruz, PhD Candidate,Department of Anthropology

Researcher-Practitioner Collaborations for Rural Community Wildfire Risk Reduction
Hannah Brenkert-Smith, Associate Research Professor
Institute of Behavioral Science

Supporting Tribal Language Initiatives, Sovereignty with Visual Learning
Jennifer Shannon, Associate Professor,Department of Anthropology, Curator,CU Museum of Natural History

College of Arts and Sciences

Attention, Behavior, and Learning Clinic: Affordable Childhood Evaluations
Research Associate Nomita Chhabildas and Professor Erik Willcutt
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Associate Clinical Professor Emily Richardson
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Colorado Classics Day 2020
Professor Dimitri Nakassis and Assistant Professor Zachary Herz
Department of Classics

Professor Kira Hall
Department of Linguistics

Assistant Professor Helanius Wilkins and Production
Outreach & Engagement Liaison Ondine Geary
Department of Theatre & Dance

School of Education

2020 Children’s Book Festival
Associate Professor Bridget Dalton
Literacy Studies

Family Inquiry on Elementary Reading and Digital Literacy
Assistant Professor Silvia Noguerón-Liu

Public Impact Project on Affordable and Quality Housing
Executive Director Roudy Hildreth and Faculty Co-Director Siomara Valladaries,CU Engage
Graduate Research Assistant Beatriz Salazar

Special Educator Roles in Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Research Associate Professor John Hoover

Graduate School

Assistant Professor Jota Samper
Program in Environmental Design

Colorado Law

Professor Sarah Krakoff
Deputy Director Shaun LaBarre, Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment

Professor Suzette Malveaux, Adjunct Professor Matthew Cushing
Clinical Professor Colene Robinson and Senior Assistant Dean Jennifer Sullivan

Criminal Clinic/City of Boulder ID Project
Clinical Professor Ann England

Expanding Representation for Colorado’s Workers
Associate Clinical Professor Zachary Mountin

Professor Kristen Carpenter

Clinical Professor Carla Fredericks

College of Music

Associate Professor David Rickels

Research Institutes

Girls at the Museum Exploring Science (GAMES)
Assistant Professor Jingchun Li,CU Museum of Natural History and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Science Education Coordinator Gianna Sullivan,CU Museum of Natural History

College of Arts and Sciences

Research Associate Nomita Chhabildas and Professor Erik Willcutt
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Associate Clinical Professor Emily Richardson
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Colorado Classics Day 2019
Associate Professor Jackie Elliott
Department of Classics

Associate Professor Eliana Colunga
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Critical Conversations Project: Playback Theatre in Rural Colorado
Senior Instructor James Walker,Norlin Scholars Program
Production, Outreach & Engagement Liaison Ondine Geary,Department of Theatre & Dance

Assistant Professor Helanius Wilkins and Production, Outreach & Engagement Liaison Ondine Geary,Department of Theatre & Dance

Empowering Economically Disadvantaged Adolescents with Complex Communication Needs
Clinic Faculty Member Sherri Tennant and Assistant Professor Christine Brennan
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

Associate Professor Pui Fong Kan and Clinical Assistant Professor Amy Thrasher
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

Professor Kira Hall
Department of Linguistics

Senior Associate Alisha Brosse and Adjunct Professor David Miklowitz
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Leeds School of Business

Demystifying Entrepreneurship Rural Colorado Workshop Series
Executive Director Erick Mueller,Deming Center for Entrepreneurship

School of Education

Professor Mileidis Gort, Research Associate Vanessa Santiago Schwarz and Research Associate Laura Hamman-Ortiz

Rethinking Family Engagement at Adams 14 School District
Professor Kathy Escamilla and Doctoral Candidate María de los Ángeles Osorio Cooper

Research Associate Sara Staley and Research Associate Bethy Leonardi

College of Engineering and Applied Science

Professor Joseph Ryan,Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering

Graduate School

Assistant Professor Jota Samper
Program in Environmental Design

School of Law

Professor Sarah Krakoff

Professor Suzette Malveaux, Adjunct Professor Matthew Cushing, Clinical Professor Colene Robinson and Senior Assistant Dean Jennifer Sullivan

College of Music

Associate Professor Charles Wetherbee

Associate Professor David Rickels, Associate Professor Leila Heil and Professor Margaret Berg

Professor Alejandro Cremaschi

Research Institutes

Professor Emeritus Timothy Seastedt,Department of Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyandInstitute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)

Assistant Research Professor Hannah Brenkert-Smith,Institute of Behavioral Science

Girls at the Museum Exploring Science (GAMES)
Assistant Professor Jingchun Li,CU Museum of Natural HistoryandDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Education Coordinator Cathy Regan,CU Museum of Natural History

College of Arts and Sciences

Attention, Behavior, and Learning Clinic: Affordable Childhood Evaluations
Professor Erik Willcutt and Research AssociateNomita Chhabildas
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Brain Behavior Clinic and Boulder County Homelessness
Associate Clinical Professor Emily Richardson
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Professor Nada Diachenko, Professor Michelle Ellsworth, Assistant Professor Helanius Wilkins, Community Engagement Coordinator Peg Posnick
Department of Theatre & Dance

Associate Professor Eliana Colunga
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Associate Professor Erica Ellingson
Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences

Professor Joanne Belknap
Department of Ethnic Studies

Professor Yuko Munakata
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Associate Professor Kira Hall
Department of Linguistics

Associate Alisha Brosse and Adjunct Professor David Miklowitz
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Associate Professor Pui Fong Kan and Clinical Assistant Professor Amy Thrasher
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

Leeds School of Business

Senior Instructor and Teaching Professor Susan Morley

Graduate School

Research Associate Alana Wilson, Lecturer Mehdi Heris
Program in Environmental Design

Assistant Professor Jota Samper
Program in Environmental Design

School of Law

Professor Sarah Krakoff

Professor Melissa Hart

Professor Ann England
Director Kristy Martinez,Korey Wise Innocence Project

College of Music

Assistant Professor David Rickels, Assistant Professor Leila Heil and Associate Professor Margaret Berg

Professor Alejandro Cremaschi

Research Institutes

Research Associate Megan Littrell-Baez and Director Anne Gold
CIRES Education and Outreach

Girls at the Museum Exploring Science (GAMES)
Assistant Professor Jingchun Li,CU Museum of Natural History and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Education Coordinator Cathy Regan,CU Museum of Natural History

Interpretive Nature Trails at the Mountain Research Station
Professor William Bowman,Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biologyand Director,Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) Mountain Research Station
Education and Outreach Coordinator Alex Rose,INSTAAR and CU Science Discovery
Station Manager Kris Hess,INSTAAR Mountain Research Station

Professor Tim Seastedt
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)

College of Arts and Sciences

Attention, Behavior, and Learning Clinic: Affordable Childhood Evaluations
Associate Professor Erik Willcutt and Research Associate Nomita Chhabildas
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Associate ClinicalProfessor Emily Richardson
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Bringing Better Geology to Death Valley National Park
Professor Karl Mueller
Department of Geological Sciences

Colorado Classics Day 2017
Associate Professor Jackie Elliott
Department of Classics

Professor Noah Finkelstein, Department of Physics
Director Michael Bennett, Educational Outreach and Research,
JILA (Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics)

Professor Nada Diachenko, Professor Michelle Ellsworth,
Assistant Professor Donna Mejia, Assistant Professor Gesel Mason,
Dance Outreach Coordinator Peg PosnickDepartment of Theatre & Dance

The CU/Pojoaque Youth Culture Camp
Assistant Professor Scott Ortman
Department of Anthropology

Associate Professor Erica Ellingson
Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences

CU Boulder Theatre Tour
Assistant Professor Kevin Rich and Dance Outreach Coordinator Peg Posnick
Department of Theatre & Dance

Senior Instructor Nii Armah Sowah, Assistant Professor Gesel Mason,
Assistant Professor Donna Mejia, Assistant Professor Helanius Wilkins and
Dance Outreach Coordinator Peg Posnick,
Department of Theatre & Dance

Professor Joanne Belknap Department of Ethnic Studies

Empowering Families Through Museum Exhibits on Child Development
Professor Yuko Munakata
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Associate Professor Kira Hall
Department of Linguistics

Philosophy Outreach Program of Colorado (POPCO)
Senior Instructor Daniel Sturgis and Professor David Boonin
Department of Philosophy

Senior Research AssociateAlisha Brosse and Adjunct Professor David Miklowitz
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Professor Elspeth Dusinberre and Instructor Erin Baxter,
Department of Classics

School of Education

Aquetza: Youth Education, Leadership and Community Empowerment
Program Assistant Professor Enrique Lopez

Research Associate Sara Staley and Research Associate Bethy Leonardi

Assistant Professor Terrenda White

Community–Building Dialogues with Mobile Home Park Residents
Instructor and Director Karen Ramirez, CU Dialogues
Director Manuela Sifuentes, Community Partnerships, CU Engage

Associate Director Roudy Hildreth, CU Engage
Director Charla Agnoletti, Public Achievement

Research Associate Kristen Davidson

Starting a Worker-Owned Cooperative on Black Mesa
Professor Ben Kirshner, CU Engage
Program Director Sabrina Sideris, INVST Community Studies

Supporting Aurora’s Culturally and Linguistically Diverse ֲý
Research Associate Simoara Valladeres

College of Engineering

Research Associate Daniel Knight and Associate Professor Michael Hannigan, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Director Daria Kotys-Schwartz, Idea Forge Summer STEM Programs Director Brian Jernigan, CU Science Discovery

Graduate School

Colombian Displaced Communities: Planning and Urban Design Seminar
Assistant Professor Jota Samper Program in Environmental Design

Metrolab CU–City Design Workshop: Hill and Broadway Corridor
Associate Professor Brian Muller, Assistant Professor Shawhin Roudbari and
Assistant Professor Jota Samper, Program in Environmental Design
Associate Professor Joel Hartter, Environmental Studies Program
Associate Professor Beth Osnes, Department of Theatre & Dance
Program Director Mara Mintzer, Growing Up Boulder

School of Law

Associate Professor Melissa Hart

College of Music

Associate Professor Alejandro Cremaschi

Assistant Professor David Rickels, Assistant Professor Leila Heil and Associate
Professor Margaret Berg

Research Institutes

Professor Stephen Lekson, CU Museum of Natural History and Department of Anthropology
Professor Cathy Cameron, Department of Anthropology
Senior Educator Jim S. Hakala, CU Museum of Natural History

Girls at the Museum Exploring Science (GAMES)
Assistant Professor Jingchun Li, CU Museum of Natural History and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Education Coordinator Cathy Regan, CU Museum of Natural History

Science Community Outreach Program and Education (S.C.O.P.E.)
Briana Aboulache, PhD Candidate
Biochemistry Department

Buscanda la luz: Co-Designing Learning Workshops with Children
Adria Padilla-Chavez, PhD Candidate
School of Education

Engaging NVHS ֲý in Research, Expanding Biliteracy Pathways
Deborah Palmer, Professor
School of Education

Hands-On Astronomy Activities for Community Engagement
Jessica Hoehn, Research Associate

Establishing a Rural Microbit Learning Community
Timothy Ogino, Manager of School and Teacher Programs
Science Discovery

Community-Based Exploration of Industrial Air Pollution Impacts
Caroline Frischmon, Graduate Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Demystifying Entrepreneurship Rural Colorado Workshop Series, Expansion
Erick Mueller, Executive Director & Adjunct Professor
Deming Center for Entrepreneurship

Our Music Theory: A K-12 Theory/Musicianship Curriculum
Joy Yamaguchi, PhD Candidate
College of Music

Natives Vote: Increasing Voter Enfranchisement in Indian Country ($5,000)
Christina Stanton, Clinical Associate Professor, Director American Indian Law Clinic
School of Law

Jonathan Griffith, Education and Outreach Associate

Partnerships for Informal Science Education in the Community​($5,000)
Jessica Hoehn, Director of Public Engagement and Education Research, Research Associate
Center for STEM Learning

Science Community Outreach Program for Education (S.C.O.P.E.) ($,5000)
Chelsea Toner, Graduate Student

Girls Inspire: Engineering Your Spring Break ($4,750)
Karen Ganss, Assistant Director
Engineering Partnership Program

Indigenous Connections at Rocky Mountain National Park($3,560)
Brooke Neely, Research Associate
Center for the American West

TheaterEducational Outreach Tour ($5,000)
Kaitlin Nabors, PhD Candidate
Theater and Dance

Regional Equity Assessment in Boulder County ($3000)
Kyungsun Lee, Instructor/Lecturer
Department of Environmental Studies

Soundscapes Educator Blog ($3000)
Lydia Wagenknecht, Graduate Student

Documenting oral literature and TEK in Dolpo, Nepal ($3000)
Phurwa Gurung, Graduate Student

Public Art Program: (un)learning about outer space ($3000)
Jeronimo Reyes Retana, Graduate Student
Department of Critical Media Practices

To support dance residency in Colorado Springs/Pueblo ($3000)
Helanius Wilkins, Tenure-Track Faculty
Theatre & Dance

Moral Reasoning for Middle School ֲý ($2200)
Dawn Jacob, University Staff
Biological Sciences Initiative (BSI); Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology (MCDB)

Exploring Education ($5000)
Kimberly Strong, Research Faculty
School of Education

Te lo cuento con canciones ($3000)
Brenda Aguirre Ortega, Graduate Student
School of Education

Strengthening Connections with Neuroscience ($4242)
Michael Baratta, Tenure-Track Faculty
Psychology and Neuroscience

ATLAS STEAM workshop series for Lafayette Public Library
BTU Lab Manager Samantha Crowder and Living Matter Graduate Research Assistant Fiona Bell

Director Stacey Forsyth
CU Science Discovery

Community College Student Research at CU Boulder
Director Julie Graf
Biological Sciences Initiative, MCD Biology

Communication Coordinator and Program Integrator, Professional Research AssistantDaniela Pennycook

Program CoordinatorMadeleine Light
Deming Center for Entrepreneurship

Assistant ProfessorJulie Korak
Civil, Environmental Engineering​

Instructor Annie Margaret

Bringing Colorado's Chicano Movement to Classrooms
Director, Latino History Project Jason Romero
School of Education

Director Stacey Forsyth
CU Science Discovery

Assistant Professor Arturo Cortez
School of Education

Exploring Science Through Art, Music and Dance
Postdoctoral Associate Emma Antonio
Chemical and Biological Engineering/Materials Science Program

Program Director, Four Corners Environmental and Economic Justice, Instructor/Lecturer Julia Guarino
Colorado Law

Holistic Planetarium Virtual Field Trips with Rural Schools
Education Programs Manager Briana Ingermann
Fiske Planetarium, Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences

Integrating Asian American Studies into Colorado K-12 Schools
Tenure-Track Faculty Noreen Rodriguez
School of Education

LEAP: Learning in Partnership
Production, Outreach & Engagement Liaison Ondine Geary
Theatre & Dance

Clinical Law Professor Ann England
Colorado Law

Make CSR Training Accessible to Diverse Professionals
Interim Director, Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility Julie Waggoner
Leeds School of Business

Mobile Home Park Organizing Guidebook
Professor of Law Deborah Cantrell
Colorado Law

Director of the Online Economics Program, Instructor Karen Gebhardt
Economics and the Division of Continuting Education

Reflections on the Future Art Exhibit and Event
Education and Outreach Coordinator for Niwot Ridge LTER Alexandra Rose
CU Science Discovery

School-based Community Garden in Fort Morgan, Colorado
Student Assistant, Graduate Student Britta Bergstrom
Chemical and Biological Engineering

Science Community Outreach Program and Education (SCOPE)
PhD Candidate, Graduate Student Megan Mitchell

A Joint Outreach Model in the COVID Era
Director of Educational Outreach and Research, Research Associate Michael Bennett
Department of Physics, JILA

Establishing a Makerspace for Youth in Foster Care
PhD Student Brandon Grossman
School of Education

Multicultural Leadership Mentors Program
Director of Diversity Recruitment and Retention Krishna Pattisapu
School of Education

Participatory Antiracist Design with the Trident Community
Assistant Professor Shawhin Roudbari
Department of Environmental Design

SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Surveillance to Inform Decisions in Schools
Instructor Kari Sholtes
Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering

Supporting Underserved Teachers with Dome to Home
Education Programs Manager Briana Ingermann
Fiske Planetarium, Department of Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences

Building Trust: Parent Engagement in Montbello
Graduate Student Ana Contreras
School of Education

Colorado Lullaby Project: Nurturing Social Connection Through Song
Community Engagement and Social Innovation Coordinator Katie Skayhan and Associate Professor Jeff Nytch
College of Music

Comics Writing and Workshops with White Earth Nation
Associate Professor Jennifer Shannon
Cultural Anthropology

Connecting Ancestral and Modern Pojoaque Communities
Graduate Student Zachary Cooper

Improving No Cost Grocery Programs Through Dialogue
Instructor Heide Bruckner

Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights: Education and Outreach Campaign
Fellow Danielle Lazore-Thompson and Professor Kristen Carpenter
Colorado Law

Participatory Media Needs Assessment of Boulder County Youth
Graduate Student Luz Ruiz
Media Studies

Translating Alaska WASH Research for Community Action
Graduate Student Kaitlin Mattos
Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

Associate Professor Beth Osnes

Curriculum Development & Project Coordinator Jennifer Taylor
CIRES Education & Outreach

Community Collaboration in Understanding Pueblo Agriculture
Graduate Student/Doctoral Research Assistant Kaitlyn Davis
Department of Anthropology

Critical Conversations Project (CCP)
Program Manager for Production, Outreach & Engagement Ondine Geary
Theatre & Dance

Demystifying Entrepreneurship Rural Colorado Workshop Series
Program Coordinator Sam Schanfarber
Deming Center for Entrepreneurship - Leeds School of Business

Assistant Clinical Professor Marcel de Lange
Program in Environmental Design

Assistant Director CU Upward Bound Héctor Ramírez
Office of Pre-Collegiate Outreach

Assistant Professor David Ciplet
Environmental Studies

Analysis of Mentorship Plus Role Modeling Outreach Models
Graduate Part-time Instructor/Research Assistant Leighanna Hinojosa
School of Education

Creating a Cooperative Stewardship Zone in Boulder Canyon
Faculty Instructor Stacey Schulte
Program in Environmental Design

Conversations About Growing Up With Two Languages
Associate Professor Eliana Colunga
Psychology & Neuroscience

Harnessing Outreach Potential to Establish Long-term Citizen Science
Graduate Student Ashley Lorainne Whipple, Research Associate Chris Ray
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

High School Energy Education Partnership
Doctoral Candidate Kate Henson
School of Education

Latin Summer Enrichment Program 2018
Associate Professor Jacqueline Elliot

Lecture Series on the Nobel Prize in Literature
Professor of Russian Studies Mark Leiderman
Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures

Native American Mural Project
Assistant Director Hector Ramirez
ODECE, CU Boulder Upward Bound

STEM Summer Camp for Middle and High Schoolers
Assistant ProfessorStephen Becker
Applied Mathematics

Research Faculty Hannah Brenkert Smith
Institute of Behavioral Sciences (IBS)

Leading with Compassion &Dignity
Ashley Potvin, Other
Renée Crown Wellness Institute

Reparative Description in Collections: Engaging Community Stakeholders
Lauren Collins, University Staff
Center for Asian Studies

Jeronimo Reyes-Retana, PhD Candidate
Critical Media Practices

Marshall Fire Project Cont.
Jon Griffith, University Staff
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)

Culturally Responsive Practices for Interpretation in the SLHC ($1,300)
Alison Lemke
Speech, Language & Hearing Services

Movimiento Latinx XXI Dance Workshop ($2,000)
Jesus Munoz, Graduate Student
Theaterand Dance

Establishing a Rural-Based 3D Printer Lending Library ($2000)
Scott Sieke, University Staff
CU Science Discovery

Astronomy Outreach Collaborations with Mesa Verde National Park ($2000)
Erica Ellingson, Other
Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences

Shakespeare and Violence Prevention Research Sharein the UK ($1000)
Amanda Giguere, University Staff
Colorado Shakespeare Festival

Shakespeare and Violence Prevention Research Share in the UK ($1000)
Heidi Schmidt, University Staff
Colorado Shakespeare Festival

Elizabeth Dutro, Tenure-Track Faculty
School of Education

Co-design Workshop for Interactive Murals in Trinidad, CO​
PhD Candidate, Graduate StudentKimberley Bianca Warren
Critical Media Practices

Manager of School and Teacher ProgramsTim Ogino
CU Science Discovery

Robotics Summer Camp for Middle School ֲý
Graduate StudentNataliya Nechyporenko and Post Doc Shiran Dudy
Computer Science and Institute of Cognitive Science

STEM Enrichment – Supporting Budding Scientists of Colorado
Assistant ProfessorKaren Bailey
Sustainability Innovation Lab and Environmental Studies

STEM Summer Camp for Middle and High Schoolers
Associate Professor of Applied MathematicsStephen Becker
Applied Mathematics

The Soul of the Oja
Graduate StudentChiamaka Odinenu
Media Studies

Balloon Flight Lab - High School Outreach
Instructional Laboratory and Fabrication Coordinator, Instructor Matt Rhode
Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences

Bringing Healing Home: A Workbook for Sexual Trauma
Undergraduate Student Francesca Torsiello

Instructor Kristin Moore
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

Building a Literary Learning Ecology with Adjudicated Youth
Graduate Student Daniel Moore
School of Education

Celebrating the Indigenous Americas Week
Director, Latin American Studies Center, Associate Professor Leila Gomez
Latin American Studies Center

Climate Change Learning Gathering: Justice, Emotion, and Action
Professor Emeritus Dan Liston
School of Education

Tenure-Track Faculty Elizabeth Dutro
Literacy Studies, School of Education

Associate Professor of Horn Michael Thornton
College of Music

Ecological Networks & Ecosystem Services: Online Active-Learning Games
Doctoral Candidate Aislyn Keyes
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Facilitating Co-production and Indigenous Community Engagement
Research Associate Keith Musselman

Framework for Long-Term Community Risk/Resilience to Climate Variability
Research Faculty Atreyee Bhattacharya
Center for Asian Studies (CAS) The Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (CEAE), CIRES

Tenure-Track Faculty Michael Baratta
Psychology and Neuroscience

Multiculturalism at the Observatory
Doctoral Candidate Rachel Bowyer
Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences

STEM Summer Camp for Middle and High Schoolers
Assistant Professor Stephen Becker
Applied Mathematics

Business Economic Outlook Forum Publication Support
Associate Dean and Senior Economist Richard Wobbekind
Leeds School of Business

COVID Community Economic Presentations
Executive Director Brian Lewandowski
Business Research Division

Ecological Networks & Ecosystem Services: Online Active-Learning Games
PhD Student Aislyn Keyes
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Impact of COVID in China and the U.S.
Senior Staff Associate Lynn Kalinauskas
Center for Asian Studies, Program for Teaching East Asia

Museum in a Box
Education Coordinator Cathy Regan
CU Museum of Natural History

Our Wishes | Nuestros Deseos
MFA student Alejandra Abad
Department of Art andArt History

Supporting Virtual Early-Career Researcher Talks
Education Programs Manager Briana Ingermann
Fiske Planetarium, Department of Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences

Affordable Housing in Boulder: Barriers, Solutions, and Successes
Associate Director andInstructor Abby Hickcox
Arts & Sciences Honors Program

Bringing Lafayette’s Swimming Pool Story to the Community
Distinguished Professor of History Emerita; coordinator, Latino History Project Marjorie McIntosh

Building Community Partnerships for Equitable Co-Design in Science
Graduate Student Caitlin Fine
School of Education

Computational Physical Play Workshop
Graduate Student Junnan Yu
Department of Information Science

Engineering Identity Development in Rural High School ֲý
Graduate Student Leighanna Hinojosa
School of Education

Gathering/Sharing Resources about Latinos on the Western Slope
Director of Latino History Project Jason Romero
School of Education

Los Seis de Boulder at 28th and Canyon
Graduate Student Jasmine Baetz
Art and Art History

Nested Roots: A Science/Art Exhibition in Carbondale, CO
Associate Director Jorge Perez-Gallego
Nature, Environment, Science, and Technology Studio for the Arts

Director of Outreach Amanda Giguere
Colorado Shakespeare Festival

Statewide Educator Institute for LGBTQ Inclusive Practices
Assistant Research Professor Bethy Leonardi
School of Education

Student and Stakeholder Strategic Planning for Sustainable Communities
Professor Sharon Collinge
Environmental Studies Program

Education Programs Manager Briana Ingermann
Fiske Planetarium (Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences)

Teaching Ethnography for Social Engagement Pedagogy Workshop
Assistant Professor Kathryn Goldfarb

Consultation With the Pawnee and Arikara Tribes
Professor Douglas Bamforth

CU sponsorship of a youth leadership restoration project
Professor Timothy Seastedt
Institute of Arctic and Apline Research (INSTAAR)

Demystifying Entrepreneurship & Startup to Scaleup Development Workshops
Executive Director Erick Mueller
Deming Center for Entrepreneurship - Leeds School of Business

Doctoralcandidate Shaye Palagi
Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering

Engaging educators in Boulder Computer Science Education Week
Graduate Student Celeste Moreno
Alliance for Technology, LearningandSociety (ATLAS)

Evaluation of Creative Districts in Rural Colorado
Graduate Student Jennifer Shelby
Environmental Studies, Environmental Design

Graduatestudent Maria de los Angeles Osorio Cooper

Impacts of Oil and Gas for Colorado Residents
ProfessorJoseph Ryan
Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering | Environmental Engineering Program

Research Associate Bethy Leonardi
School of Education

Associate Professor and Director Eric Vance
Applied Mathematics

Marking Space for Los Seis de Boulder
Graduate Student Jasmine Baetz
Art and Art History

Associate Professor Jennifer Shannon

Orientation to Early Childhood Music Instruction
Associate Professor Martina Miranda

Program Director Mara Mintzer
Environmental Design, The Community Engagement Design and Research Center (CEDaR)

Senior Instructor Lon Abbott & Instructor Jennifer Stempien

Service Learning for English Language Learners
Instructor Barbara Flocke
International English Center, Continuing Education

Shakespearean Haunted House with Boulder High School
Assistant Professor Kevin Rich
Theatre and Dance

Workshopping Ways of Encountering Self / Encountering Others
Graduate Student Jashodhara Sen
Theatre and Dance

Collaborative Artist-Scholar Residency at Chatauqua with Public Presentation
Professor/Chair, Department of Religious Studies David Shneer
History, Religious Studies and Jewish Studies

Colorado River Water Delegation to Mexico
Energy and Climate Justice Manager Michelle Gabrieloff
Environmental Center

Colorado Shared Ownership Summit Travel Support
Assistant Professor Nathan Schneider
Media Studies

Distribute Colorado Business Economic OutlookBooks
Associate Director Brian Lewandowski
Business Research Division

Evaluation and Understanding of Creative Districts in Colorado
Graduate Research Assistant Jennifer Shelby
Environmental Design

German Language Immersion Day 2018
Instructor/Coordinator of Undergraduate German Language Instruction Ursula Jany
Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures

Laissez Les Bons Temp Rouler
Assistant Professor Helanius Wilkins
Theatre & Dance

Off-grid Renewable Energy in Rural Bolivia
Undergraduate Research Assistant Janelle Isenhart,Biology and Chemical Engineering,Faculty Advisor Alan Mickelson,Electrical Engineering

Graduate Research Assistant Ashley Collier-Oxandale, Faculty Advisor Michael Hannigan
Environmental Engineering

Rethinking Digital Pedagogy with Community Partners: An Unconference
Graduate Research AssistantTarren Andrews,English,Faculty Advisor Laurie Gries,Department of Communication

Research Associate Bethy Leonardi
A Queer Endeavor, School of Education

Associate Professor Victoria Hand
School of Education

Professor Kristy Martinez

Graduate Research Assistant Sarah Fahmy, Faculty Advisor Beth Osnes
Theatre & Dance