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Neil Ashby

Professor Emeritus - Theoretical Math Physics
Research Interest: Theoretical math-physics
David Bartlett Portrait

David Bartlett

Professor Emeritus - Experimental Gravity
Portrait of John Cooper

John Cooper

Professor Emeritus - Experimental atomic and molecular physics
Senarath de Alwis Portrait

Senarath de Alwis

Professor Emeritus
Research Interests: I'm interested in String theory, Supersymmetry breaking and Cosmology. I'm a high energy theorist whose main interest at this point is in understanding beyond the standard model physics and cosmology from the vantage point of string theory. The latter is the only consistent theory of all the fundamental interactions that we have today and I believe it is important to understand its consequences for both TeV scale particle...
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Joseph Dreitlen

Professor Emeritus - Theoretical Quantum Physics
William Ford Portrait

William Ford

Professor Emeritus
Research Interests Professor Ford is an experimentalist in elementary particle physics. He currently collaborates with the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment operating at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) laboratory in Switzerland. The goals of this research are to elucidate the elementary interactions of quarks and leptons. The highlight to date is the 2012 discovery jointly by CMS and ATLAS of the Higgs boson. Working in collaboration with CU...
Allan Franklin Portrait

Allan Franklin

Professor Emeritus
Research Interests: History and philosophy of science, particularly the roles of experiment. Professor Franklin's research is on the history and philosophy of science, with particular emphasis on the role of experiment in physics. He has done historical studies on parity conconservation, CP-violation, and Millikan's oil drop experiment. On the philosophical side, he has worked on the Duhem-Quine problem, the question of how one can localize support or refutation, and on...
Martin Goldman Portrait

Martin Goldman

Professor Emeritus
Research Interests: Areas of current research of Dr. Goldman center around linear and nonlinear wave phenomena excited in plasmas (ionized gases) by electron and radiation beams. New electrostatic and electromagnetic wave instabilities and their nonlinear evolution are studied analytically and numerically (using supercomputers). Nonlinear wave phenomena that have been investigated include wave-wave coupling, emission of radiation, chaotic behavior, wave self-focusing, soliton formation, and other "strong" turbulence effects. Applications of this...
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Allen Hermann

Professor Emeritus
Research Interest Experimental High Tc Superconductivity
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P. Dale Kunz

Professor Emeritus
Research Interest Theoretical nuclear physics
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Stanley Miller

Professor Emeritus
Research Interest Experimental nuclear physics
Jerry Peterson Portrait

Jerry Peterson

Professor Emeritus
Research Interests: Collaborator in experiments measuring reactions induced by intermediate and high energy protons and pions. Using accelerators around the world and appropriate collaborations, I measure reactions with beams of protons or pions on complex nuclei, seeking the simple features. Recent solo work has used scaling relations as in the papers above as an attempt to unify these results. As a sideline, I work with nuclear astrophysics issues at very...
John Price portrait

John Price

Professor Emeritus
Office Hours: Tuesday 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Research Interests: Low Temperature Physics, Molecular Electronics, Molecular Crystals. Selected Publications: “Dipolar Rotor-Rotor Interactions in a Fluorobenzene Molecular Rotor Crystal,” Robert D. Horansky, Erick B. Winston, John C. Price, Steven D. Karlen, Peter D. Jarlowski, Rosa Santillan, and Miguel Garcia-Garibay, submitted to Physical Review B. “Artificial Dipolar Molecular Rotors,” R. D. Horansky, T. F. Magnera, J. C. Price, and J. Michl., in Controlled...
Patricia Rankin Portrait

Patricia Rankin

Professor Emerita
Research Interests Patricia Rankin did both her undergraduate and her graduate work at Imperial College, London. As an undergraduate student, she was awarded the “Governor’s Prize” for graduating first in her year in Physics. In 1988 she became an Assistant Professor of Physics at the ֲý and the only women on the Physics faculty at the time. She was a recipient of both a Sloan Fellowship and a...
Scott Robertson Portrait

Scott Robertson

Professor Emeritus
Research Interests: I do experimental research in basic plasma physics, most of which is related to dust in plasmas. I am presently involved in two research areas. (1) The polar ionosphere contains meteoritic dust particles that are the nucleation sites for icy cloud particles. ֲý and I construct instruments for rockets that return data from 80-120 km altitude on the charge-to-mass ratio and number density of these particles so their...
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James Shepard

Professor Emeritus
Research Interests: Nuclear - Theoretical
Jim Smith Portrait

James Smith

Professor Adjoint (Retired)
Research Interests: Professor Smith's research interests are in experimental high energy physics, specifically decays of B mesons and search for supersymmetric particles. Professor Smith's research interests are in experimental high energy physics. As a member of the CLEO collaboration (Cornell), he was a primary author of several measurements of rare B meson decays. Among these was the first observation of the decays B -> pipi and B -> Kpi, which...

John Taylor

Professor Emeritus